ASCOT 11111'S.
l'itc"'s utt ascot Heath ettnikinitei•il On Tuesda}•. 'The attend- ;awe wt., far ft ,ttit numerous ; mill the running " ri ached the average, and taatItina: t: ,,re.
On Wetin•stlity, the " sport was ittilifferent, and the company thin." -flea principal event of the day was the announcement that Mr. Bat- sot's Plenipotentiary, who was heavily backed fer the ('up on Thurs- day-, would not start. The reason assigned by Alr. 11atson was, that the grownt wan hard, and he was afraid of his horse breaking down. Alta.!! dissatisfaction was occasioned by this lame excuse, both among
the bettors and the lovers of fine sunning.
011 'Thursday, a brilliant and numerous assemblage graced the
heath. The hang was not there ; being engaged to dine with the Duke of Wellington, he feared the additional fatigue. There was, however, a large party from Witadsar Castle, who came with the Queen, including the Dutchess of Cambridge, Prince Leopold of Naples (a very fat lad, who has just arrived in England), Prince George of Cambridge, the 1.htlee of Dorset, the Earls of Denbigh,' A Ilattlearle, and llowe. The running for the Cup is described as fellows.
It., I, taut sovereigns, by sttle•ellie.iett of 20 sovereigns each, with 200 sakereagtasara,,,t feta, Ihr Ii,nd. seeotat to reverie 3f1 -uset•ei_ta,. 3 years,fist. 1011).;
.1 ye tr., 21b.; I ',,'.it's, ask 121b.; 6 y am! aget!, 2st. illb. Mares allowed 31b. A Is-at Two Mile- awl a 1141. 36 SitIncritivis,•l .Tenet's Gleacoe. 4 :tears 1 Sir li. li•iket's ch. e. Pram 4 t, an 2 Uolmtel Veers Nonsense, 5 sears 3 'I he 60,1ms ilig were not plaecd:--The Nuke of ('I•: vela:.lago, 4 years; Mr. I ',slit ' .s.s, 1 ti,as ; Mr. (itaing's Monies, 4 vet. ; ' ' . . • 1..• Fautine. 4 years; rib :iLop.,,a, 4 nears; and Sir F. johnstone's . a lin, (1. by Phantom, 4 learn,
kitint;.•-di to 5 on (;lencoe, ft to 2 against ltran, 7 to 2 a..,,,aimt shillelagh, 8 to I Bentley, 12 to I against Famine, and 21) to I against NonSellSe.
• th.• lead at a capital pace, Mao It ing 0..1 to her, Glencoe • \ • tiaoth next to these w er.• Famine, v, shill.•1a :1,, am! Pussy, and
w.-lit so bully that l'avis, :r he hart palled
II. ar.r Elan I,,,:op alt tho tiros turn. 'rt.. he, 1..”-,., 'will their places I :a.• hill (rather more than al titian bor,•), wle le 1110 mettiti filly t„a,•,,,, took the mania?. limo scan i■itar.,•asat,t; tit. making the
a and Fatraiai• in.ade an :01.•aale a net nil, Ina failed,.
• ..11 10 6 the 1::0.I•ii. i I.,- i I„the end,
!1•.i1I:a. 11.•.•T •.. . • I. Famine
!'1,1111.• •a • AO'. i..•• ` .'1. 1 eighth, a . - at the conduct of
s, i."tit ant in is e; and WV 111111t.r• • a-a. all he InatIV of the bets almat Liras, unless the • ..tek Ls the Jockey • s t roitelltded with a capital race fora :.; rt.; Ilst.711.1. New Mile. 8 subscribers. . .t. 1. :Amu 1
I. -ci Pilot • cot 2 1.ovi 1,x-ter s 3
'FL,' betting very animated, at to 5 on Ibrahim, and 5 to 4 against Ascot. tu• houses lark 'red htgetlwr to the road, IA hese A:cot sprung off at a tremendous ILL.11,■,n waiting ov Ilia quarters till nittiiit a wnpie ui stride w heti he made a rush :1714 won by a said Aurelius; was only beaten a length. This race excited im• tneu,e interest, and was uric of the finest ever seen.
Yesterday, the company was very thin, and the running not worth notice. On looking over the list, not one horse of reputation appears to have been on the course.