20 JUNE 1835, Page 8

Great excitement was created in 1;pp, ;tam Mat I.•

week by the sale by attelitot of four c ; : 13ur...,ess, of itidlington. salt ii I.:e; i an warrata fur (hitch-rat's. Mr. I Ito.; !„ I la e .• lead coastal, lititati-ly• rt. ,, to ,y tt..• .1, . expres‘t d tin ir indignation tat no , ta •11--. a,- d •• 'an •,;Iy• ex- hor'ed every one Ire-cot twt to pm t•!. . i a-, :.1,alft Is, however.

were at length sold ; the cues Jul a. 11..- lt . ,- ,yar Mercury.

The iehabitants of Bungay intend to invite Mr. Chalds to a dinner, to mark their disapproval t.d lice per"teution tt hich he Loa undergone on account of his refusal to pay Church-rates. Mr. Childs is insti- tuting legal proceedings against the persons by whom he was unlaw- fully imprisoned.

A dreadful accident occurred on the 11th near the twa• market in the course of erection in the Nun's Field, Newcastle-on-.Tytte, by which several lives were lost. Parts of the building on the south side of the street leading from the Turk's llead Inn, which had bey a raised nearly to ita intended height, cattle down with a tremendous crash ; anti the men being at work, wet e precipitated along with them, and buried in the ruins. It'iv•e men were killed slid eleven maimed, several seriously.

A boy, fourteen years of age, has been committed f, al triad, charged with the wilful murder of two children, the taw agk three yeats and a half, and the other under two yeal.: of a-;e, 1.y g awn in a pond, at Church Broughton, near Slieffat Id.

'The provinaial newspapers contain irc•'inttlI. of d.amatt, done by a

thunder-storm, which has visited the greater t of Et.,.lanad the last foi might. We select a few particulars.

At Durham, about six in the evenitig of the Itttli. Oa. rain fall in torrerts, and the peals of thunder shook the city to ijs At seven, it most vivid dash of lightning struck tla, -t, I n tower of the eathedral, and hurled down an immense nett, of st ate. At this moment, a party of students belonging to the I 'tt.ti..rity, V. hat 1.0d been inspecting a monument lately elected to the me wary .It the Bevy resat .1. Carr, late master of the Grammar sele-o1, ii, it ,-1 by the crash,

rushed from the cathedral, and two of tin' party testatttly annihi- lated by the falling fabric. Another had hi, ; lout tlicadrully mu- tilated, and a fourth was most severely lattlised.

At Gateshead Fell a woman was killed by thy. ;tad several pet-soils were more or less on The Links t.f tile Tycy.

t Northumberland, a woman and a lacy wets struck by the lightning, and remained speechless tOr some titre; hut have since recovered.

At Nottingham and the vicinity the Ltil f.11 iii great quantities; and being accompanied with milt, ie soon taaelttad and Caoalt ti the streets total ccIlars. A portion of the elturchyaid ya..,1 in;•• t. Peter's Square

was di ivt•st clown by the torrent. The des: tit!. -• was here, as el-y•wheyo very considerable; and the It tut-rt. es t talf•ry•al st•vert ly.

:It Cambridge, notch dittliag-e was dio:c I y the Lad on th,- More than Ill case [anus of alas!: were Itrolece VI'. I I'm■•:'crti', niiliOttSes at 7.`:, t. 'flac padtataal aittala .a- in stt. 1;; ttig..s Church, cost t3ilt1/. has be, a I. a!::.• destroyed; and the damage eturr t„ graen-huu'es is estimated at

fa the iter:,illaottiltood the Lail fell in such quaftities, and

:Was sn la! fir, tialat were struck • trent Cc:. ti etas, and scarcely hew tt relitait,s v.ithaat damage. ,Attli,kii into scotlidui. I 11 7-111, a-cveral church- , ;,t were ware or 1, .. i.• Port

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11 - • • •tn, eh:limey v.,as strict. i!. v. Lich Ito ••; ' ry•iclibridge,

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.• {hill a.t I', 'lag man, who cat-t•sha 1.: L;:,ttiin4 struck u.: is a t;ott-u ;•iii, of Ca: spot.