The li t olvtarhamptost investigation closed on Saturday. nay: par- ticulars have
been elicited it atflit hat to those with a•Itiell the latt:,1".,• had already' been loath. d; Lot some r.ra‘ worth itat,citt!.
.Among them is theadmissital of Captain .lordan, chief cot;.t..1,1c c•- •• tovvit, that having Lai a story Iltren it at him by one of the cn,wvi, a.:• biinself !ticked up a stone and threw it ac his assailant. Calataitt Man- tling, who commanded the miltaary, wag vary anxious to Itat•t. tt Aliag: trate constantly by his side; Lot Mr. Clare -asserted Lis tt,:al inaltah,t- to ride on horseback, and none of Ins Lather Justiy s tweet.- pony the traptain. The evidence of IL. seldier tvlao lode the horse Which was kilhal, does not prove how tbs. r.erident 'l.hcrc seems no doubt that it stab from stui.a. sharp wear' ni tie borse's death ; and yet one of the tvittn. sscs declares Ilia! to, pi Within ten yards of the horse w- hen lie frig. .11te rider does In t let.ew or pretends not to know, Inns. his 1 or-e nag killed. One 4,1 ti:1 wi:- DesSes, a fiirrier, says that a fall cat stone, or 0 wound rowel of a spur might have killed *ar. of tlat ;:tar
evidence as, to tit' smart ',tiling they k ndurtal. Some of t!:, Iat•lata
m•ere exhibited stills marks of the rata. ; hut the few ia1, , t.
they recei%•ed intlieted '..•:aatv. 'little is altutal..;.. ey1,:.. net, of the disurderlk- i! were alit,'.' it, sistgly or it t • , 7 gave orders tly.1 a •-a •• e,;. ;..i.!,• order stem. to kat:' 4i; • the evidence of the 1,,,
11 Ir. Backed rat- a a. I • to poll tan 1 11 ..
I saw no vie!. 'wt. v.! • , the Lauri; ta.
att.a). from ; the propl,..
AVithin illuth I .II
Sion tut svvvraf 11 I.
4,1 nay door, i t..!.! • fin ward, and 1.••,:.".••'.
said he would 1 1 it again, aid ob,, a a fasces, in a directioa I r, .;:,i 1...1 a•-.•. I
1 0 intoxicated.
James I lire ?"!;.H1,:. 1 ,tan at II;V• •'• the ground story, :dicta Lat.- tea tat 5, a";.• evening. 1 s .tv ,care s,I - down the street ; Si hen at a hrioe r one of ti.t. •• • that door ! bottle one an,nstred, but wi.•.; it sr.:, I don't 1, sv ; the .. r l!:elt said,' Is that at public house?' and inlay ,.attel:k tired. anti. l to pr '- yoke hint to do so.'' flettirmin Armstrong, a youth scvehtccil au • of ar .1 I •., the
Townwell-folil about .!,•aaat
owe °yaw!: ; 1.• .,r at the same tittle. .5 so`dier tiled a 11,11 inn, the t, ; he from me; the ball passed through my \Vitae, Lyle prodte
Mr. John Len is, linen werchant, of (lures .ties:—" oft
at Light of the 27th ult. I saw him. soldiers near th • elia; • I in Q.
touting rapidly from towards 1/titiley Strset ; :,tie a, i" • a. •• Street towards Staithtield. I do nut know o lit des. were ,e. • at the direction in n Lich the soldier fired."
JosrbL rflot., (1,•1.,,,,,1 to L Lying seen three it:I: bram!, water at the Brown Bear, ou 1Vciltivoiss• Afro teal in- some • ,• intoxicated riding rapidly ilia; (sating ;at evt hmly ti., met; were kneeked down by them. _No provocatiial was ..,tiann to th, • ar witness saw.
Samuel Tinintina !filmset!, that as lie was going hr,mr, about rivi•n*s• minute- past nine on Wed:le-day night, lie net stare so!dists Street ; one f whom antic a !dose at him with hi, sabre; I!, thew back a little, but received cut on his Lead. Ilad given flies rs no pi ovikat Itiebard 3larlian said. that 1. on 1%....1c.c...!tv rt":".t, 1..1 a il:Vere blow fi ton is sahic Of: Lis atm ,a- i geit, . • 1 It y- few persons then in the Struct. Mr. John Eobcf ts deposed, that he v. :- M:1,Vhe.! !,, wi0.1 Lis sabre, in eat: Illalket-lit;,\Vt r: ' read; the blow was has licaoh and • whet, a steam,' eat a a- I, 1,0 . I I vocation a Littler, .:.
Captain Mica t
used; tlioult • • • 1:0:-A t:.: •..
Of the soldi, I-- I .• . ails. .a. I :
Captain Alastilitt t's ta: :- • , the mt.. 0., le to 1: points or edges of thy saim's.
;rata.] .• i;lt !Ids ivy a I t. 1S ' t- ft ant .1 ,t,