Ca lp taill ;ilea:. of the Royal Engine:as, lately the private Sear...airy
of Lord Auckland, Iris been appointed one of the Cotiaeissiimetrs to Canada. Tee commission, consisting of Lord Goosfurd, Sir Charles Grey, :eel t .31.tain 11-,W completed. '010110 Lord I '11:10cA 1"Iteroy, one of the sons of the Duke of Grafton, and Member for Ilinry St. Edmund's, has been ap- pointed Viee.Cletioletrlain.
It wets mend:peed last eveeic, that Oat !Nike of Rid:mond !eel 1' oa appointed Lord Li:even:int of Sussex. 'Flee ...Warning satisfied with uppointtnent, and would have preferred de. 1 Norfolk. We shenld also have liven '.eater pleased, had a in; r• ■•• t t•- niiti«1 Libert.I been chosen ay ; but in other reap. et-, :he Duke of Riche:awl is unexeeptioeablea—being an active, intelligent, and well-iota:ailed magi-trot:. Besides, lie cannot be set down as no
opponent of Lord Alelboarne. Ile tray a member of the Befordi Cabinet, and a ill let fauna, according to our expectation, a supporter in general of the present Ministry.
e ninon- It a 1.1.0T ire our neNt; L, lug t o late for this.