Judge Voodeleur, of the Irish Court of King's Tench, died
on Sunday morning. It is said that the vacant seat the the beeek has been offered to the Attorney. General, lir. Pt•rrio ; but it is not certain that he will accept it. Should he take it, however, it is probable that Mr. O'Loughlin will be Attorney:General, and Air. Richards, a Liberal member of the liar, in good repute as a lawyer, will be Solicitor-tame - rel. Mr. Richards is also tovntioned for an Indian Judgeship. as it is said to be the int; talon of liinisters to give Irisit lawyers their fair share of Colonial preferment.
111 r. Itoebeit Stewart, :11.D., brother-in-law of the Irish Attorney.. General, lees been appointed Manager of the Lunatic Asylum. Belfast. The nominee:on of the candidates for the comity of Carlow took placc on llenchly. As early as two o'clock in the morning. the Court- hotite was taken posses-ion of by a party of the (hangemen ; nod the people ont-iloo, tiediog by the shouts of those evithin, that they were in IlllSs0-s:011, 1:1:i!/' a desperate effort to expel them ; ins wine!' they were suceessfe! iitN•t• a fierce staregle. The Liberal patty then took possession of the• I 'ourt•house ; but they were all turner/ out he order of the I I :eh Simla, so that both parties inii:ht have fait pl ty. On the S:ituraty areviotus to the day of nomination,' Air. Vigor, was ar- restol by a Coale•rtative fur 15001. The traosartion, it is said, arose out of -.me lam iiy occurrence. Mr. Vigors gave bail. Several of the voter.- for :el: -see. Bruen and Kavanagh had been t•onlintal smite Wed: resilay, in a for the purpose of princedom, and to prevent them from bei..e enie; d over by the opposite party. The %rife of on of then) came !L'i'e ethe house with in Bible in her ha ad, and took an oath never ta liver v.:tit Lt r loisband vg.iin if lie voted fur the •pai.a.a con e,:pte.d..;.t of the" WI laqii"S .1,,ttrnui say: that the Tory party had immured t1:.irty of the voters for the Liberal candidates is the ( holera flospital. l•e° tl.et several of them had sneateedeal iii Iii eking sir
.1t the close of the first day's 'mil. the minalnas were—for leaors and Raphael, 314; Bitten and Kite:am:eh, 4.!nil.