20 JUNE 1835, Page 9



Colonel St. Vox. the Hinter commissioned by the French Alinister of War to v at.th the aregres: of the itaurreetion in the Non th i f Spain, has returned to Paris, and made his official report of whet he witnessed, ineludieg his opinion of what force would be necessary to put an (eel to the condiet, In the main, lie agrees with the opinion of the Coen-ice's eoerespondeet. quoted in a previous column. I he suys that a force of at least 120,000 men, and a four years' occupation of the territory, would be required to crush the rebels, and even then there would be no security against future insurrections alter the withdrawal of the troops : but he adds, that there is no danger of the overthrow of the existing Gore rmnent of Spain, because as soon as the Carliets cross the Ebro, they are in " an enemy's country."