Several country newspapers have availed theteesetlyes of wit . analy--is of
the Municipal Reform Bill, without nientimiii.g the paper front whose columns they copied it. As the Sp; C.' th.• j•rir, that teak the pains to make do: lilt intelligible to tit
reader, and as the' work was evidently one of considerabb• I :lama it would have been becoming had the papers we ;diode to acknowtedevel the source of the nu•tiele. This, indeed, is but one of many paltry thefts of a similar kind which eve notice weekly, though we very rarely _ - :monition them. Some papers make no a nice literary head, by unac- knowledged from the " Spectator's Library ;" and some pass off as their own original leaders, very liberal borrowings from our Political Summaries and " Topics of the Day." IVIten leisure serves and the mood is on tic, we shall perhaps make an exposure by name, and try whether the ingenious persons who practise these arts cannot be made to blush.