On the 17th inst., in Eaton Sinare, Lady 1,v-r-retases, of a danghter.
On the 19th inst., in l'ortmon \Is...mutes.: Costal:aunts, of a son, still-born. On this 13th inst., it Langbritige- I MNerill. Lady CHARLES TIIVNNE, Or n daughter.
OR the 1511, inst., the Lady UT AI,EXASI/Ell W. WYN111-1AM, EStl., of Sedge 11111, Wilts, of a daughter.
On the 15th inst., at the Crescent, l'Iymouth, the Lady of J. FRANCIS O. YoNoy, Esq.,111.B., of a soil and heir. On the 14th inst., at Cleation 1Teattows, Durham, the Lady of it. E. FULLERTON, Esq., or a daughter, MARRIAGES.
On the 17111 lust., at 'Poston, Rent. T. Patimirrite ITETIIUEN, FSq.., to MIT us 11Ertracer, eldest daughter of the late hotel Edward 0 Bryon. On the 17th inst., .0 St. Mary's Church, Cheltenham, the Bev. IV OLT NM WINTson IIERRY, M.A., Vicar of Showell, 11.1.11,,ox. to AltETIII!sA GEolt01%S.‘ Sr. VINCI:NT
SARAH, youngest daughter or the linird Sir Cliarlos Brisbane, &e.
On the 16th inst., at the Cathedral Salidoiry, Gramm; 11 \11X.Nal. Towsskxo, Esq., nl ..ealisbury, to t1renni.v.x.t, third danghter or the late Daidel Eyre, Esq., of Out' Close, Haliebury. On the huh iutst. , st Dundee, Dr. .1xm Id. the Bengal Army, to 1lAcusr„ only dat141.1.r or James Ogilvie, Esq., Writer in Dundee.
On the 6t11 inst., ot Maryletsme Churall, II. S. Citaam Nst, Esq., of the 111,1,1k Temple, to LIASSIERINE, third daughter ol"P. G. Brewer, Esq., of Nottingham Plao,.. On the 18111 last.. at St. 11 ay's, liryammne Square, the Ito.. 111v PosTs.n, to AuousrA Gramm t SA, )-ounged da.i.diter of the lato ti,nteral
On the 16111 inst., at Epsom. the liov. 11F site I iie4SE, only son of Delay Cosm, of Epsom, to Ilkirrit.N. third tlangliter of tho late Rev. Robert Ileslieth, Reetor ot St. Dunstan's East, and or Acton Burnell, in the moody of Salop.
Oa the 81i inst.. at Dunnikier. Pifeshire, fIoneral Sir junst, G.11.11.11., Colonel •Pliirty.tifili Regiment.
On the 13th inst., at Hastings. Atacta NtAnomucr, second daughter of 11a:or-General Sir William Mistime, of Sandford Hall. Essex.
On the Flth inst.. in 1Iontazit S.piaro. tho Tidy MARI* ANNE VAISIIIIN, 11111. of Willi:on Vaughan, of Courtlield, Monmouth, On the 12th last., at Gotham lie.-tore, Nottinzloon, having :t fortilLdat previous givon birth to a daughter, Leer, iii,' WI' of the liov. 3. .I. ebte,t
surviving dangteer 01 o. neon S. conitio, Esq., td• Archer Lodge, coiit,1`.• !II' Mints. Olt Olt• liii 111,L, Olt, MAL Lieutenant-General sir Itousar G.C.11.. in bis 6311 )1S11..
On the 15th inst., at Macrome Castle, itoBEST110DGES.
At Edinbilrgli, 11\111111-'1% ■Iltinge..t daughter of Lord Meadowbank. On the lath inst., in conse,110.ece of a limIt from his eab, LEWIS ClIARLES DANRUA, Fag ot"I'vuto. in Ids year. 011 the 11"th inst., at Gloucester, Lientenant•General ions Ln011e,IN, in his SOtli year. On the 12th inst.. at the Callmlie Momotery, cork, or typhus lever, tirdtvon thtiFF1X. tiT this'' Collegians." " Mon-mr Pestivitivs." Sze.
On the of April, at Calcutta. aft-r a rew hours' suffering from cholera, in his V41 year, Easign limarnitr To, ,e Is lir mos:, -17th Bengal Native Infantry, son of the Bev. Eduard Rephm, Nlinister of St. Philip's Chapel, Regent Stre.a. Ott the Ettli I nt. , itt Guildtbril Street, Russell Square, Mmtv, \Vire of Sir Thomas Wilde, Iter 1s.taestl.'s Solieitor-Getieral.