20 JUNE 1840, Page 11


Arrived--At Graveseml„tune 13111, Criumtler, nendall, from the Cape; 16th, Cru- sader, !IV Donald, t.,0", s Land; ,Ind Rosalind. Ponrime. from Itenml ; 18th. ilk', Mills, tr„in the t.,,pe; and I9111, Iris, Maekwood, front Coyiali.

Oil Dalmoialt, 19th, Lady Elora, Fool, foon il a .ras. At Liverpool, 1-1111, 11 day,

maoritlos; and 1501, Ifersey, Lonsdale, from the cape. In the de, 18th, Mobiie, \Volker ; and Helm, ---, from Bengal. At St. I felena, April 2.7111, Conrail, Campbell ; mid 29th, Abbotsford, Hicks, froin Singapore; :tad Ferguson, Robertson, hum Ceylon.

Sailed—from Gravesend, June I 50i, Seringapatarn, Ilopkins, for Nfailras; anti Ellen, Yapp, for Bengal. From Liverpool, 141h, (total Saxon, Black, fur Bombay.