The Dream, and other Poems. By the Hon. Mrs. NORTON. A Supplement to the Essay on the Archamloyy of our Popular Phrases, Terms, and Nursery Rhymes. By JOHN BELLENDEN Knit, Esq. History of Rome. By THOMAS ARNOLD, DI)., Head Allister of Rugby School, Itce. Vol. 11.—From the Gaulish Invasion to the end of the First Punic War.
History of Europe from the Commencement of 11w French Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Anciiin.un ALISON, F.R.S.E., Advocate. Vol. VIII.
The Law and Custom of' Slavery in British India ; in a series of Letters to Thomas Fowell Buxton, Esq. By WILLIAM ADAM.
The Shire; or Memoirs of Archy Moore. Second edition. Despotism in America ; or an Inquiry into the Nature and Results of the Slave-holding system in the United States. By the Author of" Archy Moore."
Practical Inquiry into the Philosophy of Education. By JAMES GALL, Inventor of the Triangular Alphabet tbr the Blind, Sat. The Chronicles of a Traveller ; or a History of the Afghan Wars with Persia, in the beginning of the last century, from their commencement to the accession of Sultan Ashruf. Being a translation of the " Ta- reekh-I-Seeah," from the Latin of J. C. CLomus, Prof. Arab. at Leip- zig. By GEORGE NEWNHAM Alerroun, Esq. To which is added, a Brief Account of the Afghan Usurpation, till its Overthrow by Tali- may Koolly Khan. (The invasion of Persia by the Afghans, in the early part of the last century, was the outward sign of the decadence of the empire, though it was followed by the meteor rise of NADIR SHAH, which indeed it caused. The memorials of this invasion were written by a Polish missionary, named KRUSINSKI, who resided in Persia from early youth to a late period of his life. his ori,gianl narrative, in Latin, is said to have been published at Lembourg in 1734; but it is a very scarce book. Previous to its appearance, however, -Father DU CEA.. CENCE, a Jesuit, produced a sort of version of the memoirs in French; and in 1729 a Turkish translation was published at Constantinople, from the nee ly established printing-press : but whether this Turkish version was made. -; Kuustiesxr himself, or by a Turkish officer, or by the assistance of both, is b' a debated point. It is said to be a revised and unproved publication, adding greater value and exactness to the narrative; and this Turkish hook w - turned into Latin by CLODIUS, Arabic Professor at Leipsig. From this mat version the volume before us is translated, in consequence of the late conquest of Cobol by the British arms. It will be seen that this is the work of a single-minded student. The present state of the Afghans and their countries, if derived from personal observation would be a matter of interest ; hut the public feel little or no curiosity for point of history, which, though not very remote in time, has no me! nectinr,' link of IIIIDICti011, and refers to a distant and distracted country. The genealogy of the work, though not appearing in the eyes of scholars to affect the value of its facts, is not very conducive to popular interest; for such re- peated changes of the original text must detract from its raciness and homo- geneity. To those, however, who wish to inquire into the period of which it treats, the volume will not be without attraction ; for it has a homely Oriental diameter, and contnins some curious pictures of manners and man.]
Lectures on Locke ; or the Principles of Logic. Designed for the use of Students in the University.
[During life, Loc ICE was expelled the University of Oxfbrd; his‘vorlis were burnt by the common hangman ; and in 1703 a meeting of the heads of the University was held to censure his Essay on the Human -Understanding, and to " forbid the reading of it." This work is now a text-book of the University; and these Lectures on Locke, forming an analysis of the Essay, are intended for the use of students. For this purpose, we should say, it is admirably adapted. The pith of Locan's views is arranged methodically ; presented not only clearly, but with perfect lucidity ; and the original proposition is followed by a brief commentary, in which the illustration is impresaed upon the mind by examples, fi.equently drawn from modern subjects of passing occurrence. But it is not only. to University students that Lectures on Locke will he useful. Every reader of his celebrated Essay will derive advantage from it ; and no one who wishes to have a clear idea of the operations of lb s own mind, and a full perception of the nature and extent or rather limits of his kuowled,ge, iviht be without Locke on the Understanding. In an introduction and an appendix, these Leetnres contain some remarks on Logic, and perhaps a sufficient ex- planation of syllogisms to enable any one to comprehend thew nature, and to put his propositions into shape, as vell as to enter upon thc study of Aristo- telian logic with advantage : the difference between Local: aIR1 ARISTOTLE being essentially this—AlusTomn teaches us to determine whether the con- clusion is warranted by the premises, LOCliE enables us to judge of the premises themselves.] 4 Grammar of the German Language. Founded upon the principles laid. down by J. Grimm, Becher, Schtnitthenner, ike. By HEINRICH APEL, Pl'OleSSor i)f the German Language. [The nuoiLer or German grammars continuully appearing, would indicate the extent to which the language is now cultivated in Brit;Lin. The distinguishing feature of the present publication is, that it protosses to be based upon the modern, and not the old German grammars, as is the case with the other books of the same class. In the new system, the natural structure and growth of the German language is regarded, not the forms of the classical tongues ; by which means, greater order, correctness, and simplicity, are attained.]
A Practical Guide Ihe Attainment of a Correct Primuneintion of the
German Lang tome. By W miii ELM K LAUER • K .vvTouusaI, of Schwerin in Mecklenburgh. Third edition, entirely revised and im- proved. The Penny Cyclopanlia of the Society fin. the (fusion of Useful Know • ledge. Vol XV 11 " Organ "—" Pertinax."•
[This volume is rich in subjects of natural history, profusely illustrated by capital wood-cuts; its geographical articles are also very good ; and there is a full sprinkling of interesting miseellaueous topics, treated, we think, with less of dryness and encyclopedic inanire than was the case in the earlier volumes. We would instauce as an example, the sensible and well-reasoned paper on Ossian.] The Natural History of Dogs. Canidle, or genus Canis of Authors; in- chiding also the genera ripens and Proteles. By Lieutenant-Colonel
CHARLES Ilsmitaox K.II. and K.W., &c. Vol. IL Illus- trated by thirty-eight coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Don Felix D'Azara. (Naturalist's Library.) [The second volume of Colonel Ilssiii.ToN SMITII'S treatise on Dogs equals the first, which we noticed at length, in the fall um:tery of his subject, the general soundness of his theoretical views, and the interesting anecdotes by which he both relieves and illustrates the drier matter. The volume contains a biography aial portrait of D'AzmIA, the Spanish soldier- naturalist, who studied the natural history of Soul Ii America whilst employed on public duties in the interior of the continent. It is scarcely correct, however, to say, as the editor does, that "not the slightest sketch' Of AZARA has "appeared lathe English tongue." In 1838, Mr. PERCIVAL Iluswit published a translation of the first volume of his Natural History of the Quadrupeds of Paraguay, and prefixed to it a notice, very slight iudeed, but still a notice of AZARA'S career.]
My Boy's First Book. By the Author of "Titles of the Great ant! Brave," &c.
Hymns and Sketches in Verse. By the Author of "Tales of the Great and Brave," &c.
[The lyrics are the outpourings of a mother's heart to her children, finding utterance in tuneful yet simple accents ; religions sentiment and devotional fervour being blended with maternal teoderness. The fancy is tinged with sad- ness; and though the melancholy is not of a morbid east, the tone of the volume is perhaps more mournful then is desirable for young readers. The stories themselves are simple and touching, and the descriptive passeges present vivid pictures of nature. The pages are illustrated with some very pretty wood-cuts, of superior talent. The First Book consists of short and pretty stories, chiefly exemplifying the good qualities of boys, with a small amount of fault by way of set-off. Being intended as a first reading-book, the language is so remarkable for ease and plainness, that it was noCuntil our attention was called to the fact that we per- ceived the words used are of the shortest and simplest kind possible. It also has some very superior cuts.]
The Aye of Lead. A Satire. By EDWARD WALLACE, Esq., Author of the "List Man," &c. [Rather a leaden affair. The author does not ssem to be aware that truth and justness of judgment are requisite in a satirist, though it mav answer his purpose to exhibit only part of the truth. Nor has lie perceived that " strong language" is not synonymous with strength of style.] Poems. By E. J. M.
[Elegant verses by a lady, who possesses mu. talent for lyrical composition, ana expresses pleasing thoughts and amiable sentiments in graceful language, but with no pretensions to originality.] Nine Poems. By V.
[Elegant average verses ; too few perhaps, and certainly too slight for isolated publication, though they might pass in an Annual or a Magazine.] Flowers and their Associations. By ANNE PRATT, Author of the " The Field, the Garden, and the Woodhind." [This is a very nice little book ; forming a pleasant melange of popular feelings And opinions, scientific information divested of technicalities, with a sprinkling of botanical history. The book is also enlivened by poetry and illustrated by coloured plates.. 'Die thirty flowers save one, which arc the objects of descrip- tion and diSCIPS1011 ill as ninny chapters, are all common in the humblest gar- dens, and some in the fields and hedges.] The Works of Clmrles Lomb. A new edition. [A goodly octavo, with a full page printed in double colmnns, composed of Mr. Moxox's separate reprints of Poems, Tales, Essays of Elia, and other works of this tine thinker and quaint humorist, bound together. The title is ornamented with ti vignette of the old entrance to Christ's 1-hospital ; and a portrait of CHARLES LAMB, by WAGEMAN, fOrMs the frontispiece : this, thought the nearest approach to a characteristic likeness, represents a longer face, told gives the idea of a large rather than a small person.] The Pilgrims qf the Rhine. And The Student. By Si, E. L. Di:Lvecit, Bart., M.P., M.A.
[This volume completes the Pilgrims if the and commences the collec- tion of miscellaneous papers and tales called Mc Statical ; with, we think, Some additions from stray publications in Annuals, &c. The most striking point in the volume for the purchaser, however, is the announcement that Illessrs, Coulon?: and BnNTLEv have capitulated ; conceding permission to include Pelham, Eugene Aram, Paul Cli,thrd, and three other NVOrkS, in fact the elite of the novels, in this edition ; which will now be a complete collection of the " Works of Sir E. L. Bulwer, Bart."] Nautica/ Si:Mlles. By HAMILTON MOORE junior. "With illustrations. [Short stories, anecdotes, and descriptions of scenes at sea and on shore ; evi- dently the result or personal observation, dressed up with some skill in author- craft, and illustrated with characteristic etchings.] An. 1st nerallky : containing the Origin sad Use. of A rms ; R ales for Blazoning and Marshalling Coat A rmou rs ; the English and Scottish Regalia ; a Dictionary of I I era Id le Terms ; Orders of Knight- hood illustrated and explained ; Degrees of the Nobility and Gentry ; tables of Precedency, &c. ; Titles and Duties or the Gicat Officers of State, and of the officers of the College of Arnis, &c. Embellished with forty-eight engravings. By HEOII CLARK. Thirteenth edition, greatly improved. [The venerable Pursuivant, who for seventy years has initiated the public into file mysteries of heraldic terms and signs, enabling the student to read the hieroglyphics of escutcheons, is presented fir the thirteen tlt t hoe to the world; and on this occasion, in addition to other it»proveinents, he is emblazoned with appropriate armorial emblems in gold and colours—our old friend HUGH CLARK, in lite() appetts with a new face.] On the Nobility if the British Gentry ; or the Political Ranks and Dig- nities of the British Empire, compared with those on the Continent. For time use of Foreigners in Grfat Britain, and of Britons abroad. By Sir JAMES LAWRENCE, Knight of Malta. Fourth edition enlarged. The Hand-Boole of Stenography; being a complete guide to the art and practice of Short-hand. By WILLIAM CARPENTER. [The object of this plain and cone is 2 treatise is to diminish the difficulties of flue learner by simplifying the rules, and abridging the directions and examples, as much as is possible consistently With the essential instruction.] Chemistry if Science and Art ; or elements of Chemistry, adapted for
reading along with it course of Lectures, for Self-instruction, fin. use in Schools, and as a Guide to Teachers. Br lit Go II Gip, lately Teacher
of the Philosophical Department in the I I li chool of Glasgow, &c. An elementary exposition of the science of chemistry, of singular (dearness both in style and arrangement. The properties of matter, and the different chemical operations by which its condition is changed, are tirst described ; the elements of which it is constituted are then treated of; the chameteristic qua- lities of each are defined ; and the date of their discovery is stated, and where and by whom found. It is a hand-book of first principles, useful both for scientific study and popular reference.] The Story without an End. Translated front the German, by SARAH AtiSTIN. illustrated by 1'ILLIA31 HARVEY, Esq. A new edition. To which is added, The Glow- Translated by Dr. limcsf.
The alai Intellect out School- Book ; containing, instructions fbr reading and speaking, lessons on religion, morality, science, tool philo- sophy, rhetoric and oratory, with copious extracts from the Modern Poets, and remarks on their genius and writings. By WILLIAM MAR- TIN, Editor of the " Educational Magazine," &c.
Tables of Six- Figure Loyarilluns ; containing the logarithms of numbers from I to It 1,100, of sines and tangents for every minute of' the quad- rant, and of sines for every six seconds or the first two degrees. To which are added, Formuke for the Solution of Plane and Spherical Triangles, and a table of Constants. Superintended lv RICHARD FAR- LEY, of the-Nautical Almanac Office. Stereotype edition.
Stories of the Irish Peasantry. By Mrs. S. C. HALL. (Copyright work published in connexion with People's .Editions.) [These stories appeared in Chamhers's Journal, tbr which they were written, with a view to circulate in the widest possible manner the moral les,oas which it has been the aim of the this writer to enforce by examples drawn from fact and fiction, for the benetit of her countwfolk : they are now published together in a cheap form, and the distribution of the pamphlet would go as fitr as precept and warning can towards correcting the foibles and errors that have thrown deep shadows across even the bright side of Irish life. Thev are interesting and amusing as pictures of national habits and character ; timid the lively and cordial feeling of the authoress, who is at borne here and draws 11110It her own experience, will recommend her short, pithy, and pleasant narratives, as mere pastime to those who desire nothing more.] 'The Poethol Works of Rohert Rryusson. With a Memoir of the Author, and Note.: illustrating local and personal allusions. (Pviiple's Edition.) [This cheap reprint of a modern poet of Scotland, Wit situ Buitxs took fur a model, calling him his " elder brother in the muses," will make poor Fencus- sox known to many who have only heard of him through the praises of the greater bard. The poems are of a homely order, but genuine and character- istic—the Scottish verses at least ; and it is to be remembered that t1 -ley were written in intervals of relaxation from the drudgery of copying law-papi,rs, ilL Which cheerless and ill-paid toil the patient and amiable young man pass«I the whole of his short life, after lie left St. Andrew's University, till he died in a madhouse, at time e age of twenty-lim BuRNs erected a stone over his grave in the Canougate Churchyard : the unison's bill is given in the memoir, with its technical details, but not the inscription, of " 020 letters at Ss. a hundred."] Discourses on the Fine Arts, delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy. By Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS. (PeOple'S lidifi011.) [A cheap edition of this standurd classic, which is at the head of the literature of painting, is an acceptable contribution to the People's Library at the pre- sent time: as a text-book for the student and the amateur it has never been equalled.] 7'he Xetc General Biographical Dictionary, projected and partly arranged by the late Reverend HUGH JAMES ROSE, RD., Principal of King's College, London. Part VI. Inglis's Su•itzerIcind, South of France, and the Pyrenees. Fourth edi- tion. (Popular Library of Modern Authors. Copyright editions.) [A cheap reprint of a copyright book. Mr. INGLIs acquired a good repu- tation as a sensible and intelligent tourist, by the simplicity of his style, and the agreeable manner in which he presents the characteristics of the country and people, carrying the reader along with him : the influence of the beautiful climate and scenery slow, his route is felt in his descliptions; but there is no effort or affectation of chiquence in speaking of either.]
The North Side of Windsor Castle as repaired, altered, and improved, in the reigns of ging George IV., king William IV., and Queen Vic- toria. BE N.I A3I E.: BAUD, delt.; W. F. STARLING, SCUI14. [An elevation on a large scale of the North front of the Castle as it now ap- pears, put forth as a specimen of the grand work in illustration of this ancient palace, that Sir .3 1; [Tit c WEATVILLE undertook at the command of King WILLIAM and emit holed under the sanction of Queen VICTORIA : it MS nearly complete when Sir JEITItY died, and his executors are about to publish it ; his successor as Superintendent of the Works at Windsor, Mr. IlErinx ASHTON, being editor. it is to con,ist of forty plates of elevations, perspective views, and plans ; forming two \A tones " grand eagle" size, to be published in three parts; tin- plates accompanied by descriptions, and an archasological history of the structure. Whether, as We infer, the plates are exclusively confined to Sir .1t:stm I's alterations, or einbrace views of the Castle in its previous coutlitious, t he prospect its does not dist i i iti ly state. The specimen is of very elaborate neatness, and as an architectural delineation is every way sa-
tisfitctory. The executors denounce a spurious work advertised by two draughtsalm in Sir ;I evriev's employ.]
h/rout i's Bastie Arehitechtre. No. 11.
[Consists of three clever views, with plans, sections, and working details, of a picturesque design for a rustic cottage that would be an ornament to any park, and might be built, according to the author's estimate, for 220/.]
Standard Edition. of Gulliccr's Trorels; illustrated by G RANDVILLE. 'mYithi Notes by "W. C. TAvLon, LL.D. Trinity College, Dublin. Part 1111.
[This part completes the Pictorial Gulliver, and contains a Life of Swirl., and ;in Essay on Satirical Viction. The essay, originally intended to have beets a " history," is abridged to a mere sketell,—sollicient for its purpose, however : the biography is severe, but just, without bitterness or prejudice ; it is well- written, and embraces all the essential points of SWIFT s political career, placing the history Mille moan in a clear light.]
Si,' Thomas Phillips, Mayor of Newport, Monmouthshire, during the Chartist insurrection, din November 1839. Paintol iy Eitxxels tVi-
iu.n ; engraved by t\ uu,im tam C11.I.E12. [The gal/ant May iv is represented with his arm in a sling, as he appeared when suGring from his woulii.F. TIme Vallte and interest of the print consists in the likeness, of which we my not able to judge.] A nykr's JImip of time Ricer Thames, front Richmond to Henley; showing the varitnis fishing-st at ion and the nearest approaches to them, together with the principal Leps and the choicest spots for Angling. Compiled by J. NETHERCLIFT.
The Citrreney incapable of Revolution. An investigation of the theory of Currency, with strictures on the projected regulation of Bank Issues. To which is tulded, a Project of a Paper Circunlation which would not fluctilate; and which, besides keeping prices steady, and regulatims tlw exchanges, would save at least two millions a year in taxes. It'y CHARM:a St:OTT, late manager of the Bank of British North America, Montrcal.
The Corn:my : its Lou's, Fells, and Remedies. Panics prevented, and high rates of interest removed. The Cosh-Payment Bill If 1819 and the Bank of England. 13y THOMAS DALY, Esq. An Ingnirg into the (knerol System of Banking, and on the dangerous expedient of a Privileged Baulk to any nation, chartered and 'bonded as tbe Bank of' England: also, a view of the Practical Aleatis of converting the National Debt into one of the most powerful agents for national prosperity, based on the union and united responsibilities of all the landed and mining interests. By II A Al SAY R. ltErtinutE, R.A. Grounn of the GpliCITS, ■VOMIS 1,1' the ShWeS; Or RH Address to the So- ciety for the Civilization of Africa, and those who attended their meet- ing Oli Moilday the lot of dune ; founded upon a Petition to Parliament from the " Grocers, Confectioners, and others, of London and its Vi- cinity." By an Officer of the Navy. On the Employment if Children in l'actorics and other Works, in the United Kingdom, and in some Foreign Countries. By LEONARD llonxcii, F.H.S., Inspector of Factories. Aida to the Pamphlet (vilified "Proposed Alteration of the Scottish Poor- Law Considered and Commented on, by David 111onypenny, Esq., of nullity." By WI 1.1.1An PULTENEY ALISON, M.D., F.R.S.B., &e. Ut MIT'S Theory if Syncretism and Coalition. Translated from his
celebrated " Catholicism, Protestantism, and Philosophy."
The Earl ,■/' Ahcrtl«.41's Correspondence with the Recerend Dr. Chalmers and the s.crm I r ;I'S Of the Non-Int rnsion Committee, from 14th January to :27111 Mae ../essawbr; a if rand Romantic Opera, in three acts. By GLUE. In Ger- man and Engli,11 the Music by L. Smut. Templar and Ihe Jewess; a Grand Mimetic Opera, in three acts. Front Sir WALTER ScoTT's novel of Ivanhoe. ln German and Eng- lish. The Music hy 11. MAIISCHNER.