A report that the Bishop of London was about to
break up his este- blislmtent in London and to let London House, is contradicted on au- thority. The insinuation was that Dr. Illonifield is in pecuniary diffi- culty.
Tiee pectmkiry embarrassments of a certain noble Marquis of diplo- matic fu Ills ana acquiring an undesirable notoriety. We have before us a placard :1!)::',u:Icing a sale at the Auction Mart (tinder a fiat in bank- ruptcy agaisot a celebrated 1Vest-end tailor) of several overdue and unsatisfied acceptances of the noble Narquis. When the immense for- tune which the nobleman in question acquired by his marriage is taken into eon! bleration, such an announcense:it is calculated to excite no less surprise titan regret.—G/obe.
A deputation from the inhabitants of Canterbury presented an ad- dress to the Earl of Cardigan, expressing regret at the departure of his regiment, the Eleventh Hussars, front Canterbury, and highly compli- menting the Colonel on his " noble, courteous, and gentlemanly bear- ing," and the general good conduct of Isis regiment. We observe that a correspondent of' the Mortally Chronicle, under the signature of " An Old Soldier," continues to direct a well-ahned and effective attack upon Lord Cardigan ; is his whose military career several very disagreeable circumstances are connected.
A paragraph is going the round of the newspapers, mentioning the suicide of General Sir William Thornton, Colonel of the Eighty-filth Regiment, in Canada. The Qllebte Ga:ette states the fact, but it must have been on the authority of some English pa,:er ; for the suicide oc- curred near Hanwell, in Middlesex, on the 31st of March ; and Mr. Wakley lucid an inquest on the General's corpse.