Several changes in the Non-Intrusion Committee of the General Assembly have taken place within these few days : the reasons for which, as might have been expected, have given rise to much discus- sion, and some contradictory statements. in the first place, Messrs. Candlish and Dunlop, who formerly acted as joint Secretaries to the Committee, no longer hold that (Alice ; and Mr. Hamilton, advocate, .author of a pamphlet on " The Present Position of the Church of Scot- land," has been appointed in their room. One version of this affair states, that the former Secretaries were displaced from their office by a vote of the Committee, 11 voting against, and 9 for their continuance ; while another report has it, that their retirement was altogether volun- tary, and caused by the demands made on their time. It further ap- pears, that Dr. Gordon has resigned the Convenership of the Commit- tee, and has been replaced in that situation by 1./r. Makellar, the late Moderator ; but the friends of the cause say that his resignation arises not from lukewarnmess, but from nneiety to assist in the settlement of the question: as a proof of which, it is mentioned that he has accepted the office of Convener of the Sub-Committee, whose duty it is to cor- respond with parties in the Legislature, and in fact to manage the whole details of this delicate and difficult negotiation.---Edinburgle Weekly Journal of Wednesday.
The Conrt of Session have granted an interdict prohibiting, the sen- tence of' the Assembly against the seven Strathbogie ministers front being carried into effect.