Owing to some considerable realizations, the market for Home Stocks
has ruled fiat during the; week, and the general course of prices has been unfavourable. Consols have declined to 941 to
for delivery, and 941 to 95 for the July account. Reduced and New Three per Cents. are 941 to 1 ; Exchequer Bills, 14s. to 18s. prem. Indian Government Securities have been firm in price, and there has been an active demand for Indian Guaranteed Railway Stocks, the quotations for which have tended upwards. The Foreign House has been moderately active, although the recent proceedings on the part of the Austrian and Italian Governments, as to taxing bonds in the hands of foreigners, have created considerable distrust. A loan:for the Argentine Republic, advertised by Messrs. Baring, for 1,950,000L, at 6 per cent., the price of issue being 721, has:been somewhat coldly received, owing to the fact that the amount is required for warlike purpOses, and not for reproductive works. Railway Stocks show no movement of importance, but Metropolitan has fluctuated, in consequence of the uncertainty attending the passage of the Company's Bill through the House of Lords. An:issue of 600,000/. Four per Cent. Debenture Stock of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Company has been taken up readily, at prices ranging from 95/. 5s. to 98/. 10s. There has been a moderate demand for accom- modation, but the rate for good three months' paper remains at 11 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 22,571,0451; in the Bank of France, 48,531,20 0/.