20 JUNE 1896, Page 3

Some change has passed recently over the aspect of European

politics. The Russians are interfering in Con- stantinople to protect the Cretans, whom the Sultan promises in a vague way to forgive, and some hint seems to have been given to the French that they must during this year keep quiet. They are, in consequence, saying wonderfully little about the British advance upon Khartoum. The German Emperor at the same time is trying to recover his ground with the English, and takes every opportunity of paying them stately courtesies. He quite captured the English members of the Congress of Naval Architects held this week at Berlin, and he has sent a wreath to the regiment of Dragoon Guards of which he is honorary Colonel, with a message recalling the alliance of the two peoples in the war which ended with the battle of Waterloo. Of course, such a demeanour gives birth to a multitude of rumours, of which the latest is that Germany is to buy Erythrea from the Italians, while the most per- sistent is that the British are to quit Egypt, which will be neutralised, but will reign in the Soudan from Khartoum. We believe none of the stories, but that the German Emperor repents of his intrigues against British ascendency in Africa seems clear.