The London Way. By Mark Allerton. (Byron Bramwell. 3a. 6d.)—Mr.
Allerton reprints here twenty-four papers con- tributed to the Glasgow Evening Citizen. They are of the "London qcerespenderit al kind, and better appreciated, it may be, in the place fir whioh they are written than in their birthplace. That enly as it Should be, and we mean no disrespect by saying it. ?erhaps the best thing in the book is "The Fall," the comments ef en old tree in Hyde Park on an old couple who are sitting in Its shade and recalling the days of their courtship. The touch is lighter here, and the little suspicion of cynicism does not go beyond what we can appreciate. The Glasgow readers seem to enjoy strong meat if they are pleased with the joke in the "First swallow." Their Magistrates, to keep the people from getting drunk after ten, had the shutters of the drinking-shops put up at that hour. " The scheme was wonderfully successful. Nobody gets drunk after ten. They take darned good care to see to that by half-past nine."