• Again; thd Width- Party held that they were entitled
I'd use the Bridget to tai the Wealthy in ordei fci help totherb: Th1S thd Member for Clitheroe said they prapOted
dtf ill rtgaffl to old-age pensions. The Preiident of the 138aiti of Thine gabs a geed deal of support to this Vie*. Ater thtititiOnifig that indirect taxation as gradually giving Way, he said d ' We want that to continue until, in the end, indirect titiatioii is fedi:teed to that Clasp of indulgenees which it seek to eheCk and the bUiden of Maintain- ing the Cast of ddrniiiiitrattan is eiChisibely borne by those who deribe rents from *arid or investments frdin Capital." that Cale, the President of the hoard of Trade and Otter eminent atithOrs would be free froni taxation, on their rojmitiei in order that some old lady, with AO a year might have ave hef taxation doubled or trebled.