THERE is a lull in the international affairs of Europe. The French Note to Germany on the " Security Pact," so worded finally as to carry with it the endorsement of the British Government, was handed to Dr. Stresemann on Tuesday. But we shall not have authoritative ,information of its contents until Mr. Austen Chamberlain makes a full statement in the House of Commons, problibly next Wednesday. Until then neither con- jectures as to the details of the Note nor exhortationS to the Governments will avail to elucidate or improve the situation. But there is reason for hope that it will take us a' step forward towards the confidence and good will that Europe needs so bitterly. If it is really fair to thoSe. on both sides' of the Rhineland frOntier, it will deserve all the support that we can give it. And it will give us a further guarantee if it brings Germany nearer to her place in the League of Nations. .* * *