There has been little more definite news from Morocco. Abdel
Krim has undoubtedly established a line well inside the French frontier and appears to be still advancing in places, notably near Wezzan, where he threatens the '-town. On the other hand, the French reinforcements seem to have checked any general advance and to have stayed the danger to Fez. M. Painlev6, it will be 'recalled, has been in Morocco, where he went over all the ground and met the Sultan and all the principal French officers. On the way back to France, which was by air, he stayed at Malaga and had a conference with the Spaniards. - Little is- ktioivn in this country of the intentions of his visit. Besides conferring with the Soldiers, he may ha* encouraged the more vigorous prosecution of the war, or again, it is just possible that he hoped to come to an arrangement with Abdel Krim. We certainly hope that Abdel Krim will be reasonable and come to terms with the French when he sees that it is impossible to drive them out of the country.
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