[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As Chairman of the London County Council, and specially interested therefore in the welfare of children attending the elementary schools, may I appeal to your readers to support the work of the Children's Country Holidays Fund by sending a donation to the Earl of Arran, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand ?
In the summer holidays children spend long days in the streets. London's best playgrounds, its parks, are at most an inferior substitute for fields, downs and seashore, and for hundreds of children even the parks are beyond reach.
Sunshine sharpens the contrast between the City street and the village lane, a contrast which I hope will move many to secure for some of London's poor children a fortnight in country cottages. One pound provides a holiday for one
child.—I am, Sir, &c., 0. E. WARBURG, Chairman of the London County Council. Chairman's Room, The County Hall, London, S.E. 1.