The French on their part might be able to grant
him a little of the lowlands in the extreme north of their country which he covets so much. On that point Spain may expect that her approval is first asked and granted. Undoubtedly the French Government is anxious to finish the war. These colonial wars arc extremely unpopular in France, and already we hear stories of Communist and anti-Militarist agitation. No doubt the hands of the Left and the extreme Left are being strengthened. A new crisis will probably arise between M. Caillaux and the Socialists over his financial proposals, so that the Government will be particularly anxious not to be in trouble over the Moroccan War as well. The best hope of a peaceful solution in Morocco seems to lie in the honest co-operation of France and Spain. We trust, therefore, that this journey of the head of the French Government has been successful in that direction as well as in its purpose of exchanging views with the French military leaders.