Another distinguished Civil Servant died last week, Lord MacDonnell. The
main field of his life's work was in India where he was a brilliant and masterful administrator. At home he was sent to his native Ireland as Under Secretary when Mr. George Wyndham was Chief Secretary. Their relations and the division of authority between them, unknown to the public at the time, were such as should never have been made and rendered success practically impossible. Mr. Wynd- ham fell from office as the result when the public learned how Lord Dunraven's " Devolution " scheme was being handled. All Wykhamists and Oxford men will, among many others, deplore the death of Bishop Burge, Oxford Don, Headmaster of Winchester and Bishop of Southwark before• he became Bishop of Oxford. As a temperance reformer he has not lived to see success, but, as our readers know, we consider that the Bill which he intro- duced into the House of Lords was one that seemed more reasonable and practical than other efforts to legislate upon the drink question.