20 JUNE 1958, Page 31


11 958, and has maintained the dividend of 9 ent, on the capital increased last year from 40 0,000 to £3,000,000. The Chairman, Mr. 1-11

. Ensor, makes an interesting review on the

_1 u )mic situation of the country and suggests at ; kn spite of immediate difficulties there is a vol. trable trade outlook. Five new branches and veral agencies have been opened during the past ar and further expansion will continue. Deposits ve risen from £58.1 million to £62.9 million, hilst investments have increased by £1.32 million .62 million. For investors who believe in the lure of New Zealand here is a way of taking safe interest by acquiring the £1 fully paid dinary shares at 24s. 6d. to yield 7.3 per cent. Portals have issued an excellent report for the ear ending December 31, 1957. The Chairman, I" Francis Portal, Bart., reports that the bank- „te_paPer mills worked to capacity throughout ' Year. From the Company's own resources nsiderable development and expansion has been ria , hrauseeth Paterson Engineering Company, Meta- d during the year. The company wholly gai"on, Houseman and Thompson, and Vacu- ', all of which have contributed to the parent lanY's considerable profit of £1,048,307 the

A ati(


nst £895,607) and a net profit (after tax) of. L139 784. Order books are full for some time Ilea 1. A strong balance sheet with capital reserves

t:650,675, and revenue reserves at £1,571,674

d the same-again dividend of 181 per cent., ove 'ed nearly three times, gives the 5s. ordinary luck standing at 18s. a deservedly high invest- lient standing to yield 5,3 per cent. fSi n.ingererehant bank and Friedlander. This well-known firm ers was made a public company Ilst (crjear. The Chairman, Sir George Rendell, luel1G, is therefore making his statement to a lh wider circle of shareholders. He points ut t at the shar trade depession experienced in he United Statesp has mader it a difficult year for h international banking business. However, r P

ofi ,

is were £220,120, permitting a final dividend I 1

1 per cent., making 10 per cent for the year, S forecast recast. £75,316 has been added to the balance 1j Profit and Loss Account which stands at

.213. !Ives There has been a sharp increase in

htnlents at £786,601, about two-thirds of iehsic, appear to be in respect of unquoted securi- ,, t°11I the balance sheet shows that cash and ve s Ments amount to over 75 per cent. of cur- ent [ithilities. At 38s, the shares yield 5.2 per cent.
