1 D) You him or does he you, Pe h 28 The line that's broken up (6) . perhaps? (5, 3) 29 Full of alcohol? (8)
0 'If I cut my finger, I shall make
1 9 Ith°Id with you' (6) 0 r the bay (8)p Yep! All in a huddle in 2 C le stormy bird seems rather a 3 when at first (6) (Lovelace) (6) then I lie — to her eye' (8) TA ook from the cop is sulphurous With 6)
dressed for dinner (8) (6 this the turtle is always Ile case for the Liberals? (9, 3) Difficult, nevertheless, to cool the IN ne in thi! (6)
7 6 The oboe could be so moulded (6) Spanish cloak goes to town for fizasurement (8)
1 Sounds like the inebriate's lament for the deer! (6)
2 'I heard a Voice within the cry' (Omar Khayyam) (6)
3 Deliver nearly replete; it's more than enough (7)
4 As the American might say on seeing the moulding (4)
6 Six balls not returned in the village (7) 7 Where to keep the civic garb? (8)
8 Canine attendants (8) 11 Economist who showed a distinct inclination to bacon (7)
14 The music emerges as I goad (7) 16 `Ah I what avails the — race! Ahl what the form divinel' (Landor) (8)
1:1 .4 e for one °.°I a Copy of Chambers's Twentieth Centti y Dictionary end a second prize of guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions Mr. W. A tlfi °” July I. Address solutions: Crossword No. 997, 99 Gower Si.. London. WC1. Churchdown. Gloucestershire, and Miss inberes Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended Jri Crosswords. line, 4 St, Andrew Street, Dunfrem-
Solution on July 4
17 A quiet relative, it's clear (8)
19 It's all at an end (7) 20 His song sounds intrinsically vulgar (7) 21 'This — court of Venice must • needs give sentence' (Shakespeare) (6) 22 Shining fish in a hamper (6) 25 Incline to a swindle? (4)