Sir: You argue (Leader, 6 June), apropos of the consequences of abandoning the pound for the euro, that 'if the electorate were ever to accept this further erosion of the power of the Westminster Parliament — as they have accepted the consequences of the Single European Act and the Maastricht treaty — then any party that wished to gov- ern Britain would have to accept it as well'. But the political situation would surely change very quickly and very drastically if a major party started to reveal to the elec- torate what those consequences actually are. At present it seems that the only peo- ple who are aware of them are either com- mitted Europhiles, who very understand- ably do not want a wider public to know what they have been doing until their achievement becomes irreversible, or else Europhobes, who are forever trying but failing to get these revolutionary changes widely publicised. Antony Flew
26 Alexandra Road, Reading