The intelligence brought by the Columbia steam-ship, the arrival of which was delayed till Wednesday morning, being on the whole of a favourable cha- racter, produced an improvement in the price of the Public Securities, and the highest quotations of the week have been 1; per cent. above those of Saturday last. Consols for Money have been as high as SSa, and for Account at 88i ; and have since fluctuated within an I.; per cent. of both prices. New Three- and-a-half per Cents. have been don, as high as 97 ; Bank Szoek for Account at 170, and afterwards at 169; and India Stock at 2181. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has declined to 6s to 8.s. Money has become more abundant, and the value of commercial discount may be stated at 4:i per cent. During the week the Bank Broker has take said Stock on account of the Savings Banks to the extent of 30,000L ; and it is thence surmised that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is about to avail himself of the powers of the Act of Parlia- ment by which the Commissioners fur the Reduction of the National Debt are empowered to employ the funds of the Savings Banks in subscriptions for loans and new creations of stock, by first selling stock sufficient to raise the money required for the service of the year, and then creating new stock to replace the amount thus sold-in effect, making loans in small quantities instead of in large amounts, by which means he will be en- abled to feed the market and get rid of a large quantity of Stock on more favourable terms than if he had come down with proposals for a loan. We believe it is to the impression that a funding will thus be rendered unne- cessary, that the decline in the premium of Exchequer Bills may be attributed. It is hoped that the inaugural address of General IlauntsoN, delivered on his assumption of the Presidency of the United States at Washington, on the 4th instant, may arrive in the course of Monday next. The most favour- able piece of intelligence brought by the last arrival was considered to be the fact that the President steam-ship had been so delayed on her voyage that she could not arrive at New York until the 3d instant, when there would he no chance of the ultimatum of Lord PALMERSTON being submitted to the VAN BUREN Cabinet. The commercial difficulties of the Union had created quite a panic among the holders of Steck and Bank Shares at New York; the few State Stocks in which bargains had occurred having fallen 20 per cent., while the Bank Shares had fallen to 17 dollars, or about 3/. 7s. 6d. per Share. There exists, however, a disposition to purchase American Securities in our market at the present depression ; and we believe, although no actual transactions have occurred in the State Stocks, that they would find ready purchasers here at the last American prices. The Bank Shares have been currently done at 51. and 5/ 10s., and are today in demand at the higher price. The President was to leave New York on the 16th; her arrival may therefore be looked for on the 24th or 25th; and as it is believed that she will bring the reply of the American Government to the peremptory demand of Mr. Fox for the release of Mr. B:PLEco, it is needless to say that it is anxiously expected. The half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of Bank Stock was held yes- terday, and was characterized by the erdivary circumstances that have hitherto attended such assemblies, viz, an attempt by sonic few of the proprietary to obtain information of the state of their affairs, and a resolute and determined refusal to grant it by the Governor and Directors. It had been reported pre- vious to the meeting, that the corporation bad lost largely by the failure of the late Governor, Mr. T. A. CURTIS; and after a very crucial examination of the Governor by some of the proprietors, it was acknowledged that the loss actually incurred was between 14,0001. and 15,0001., and that it would ultimately be reduced to about 10,0001. An ostentatious parade was made during the dis- cussion of the 5th and 6th By-laws, restricting the Directors in their dealings among themselves ; and notwithstanding the asseveration that these self-denying ordinances are religiously observed, the loss in question appears to have occurred. It turns out upon the investigation of the affairs of the house of which the late Governor was the sole active member, that it has been insolvent for years, and that the estate will scarcely realize more titan a nominal dividend ; thus adding another to the many instances in which the eclat of a connexion with a great national establishment has been used as a means of prolonging a career of insolvency.
The business of the Foreign Market has been principally confined to the Mexican and South American Securities : the former, which had been pre- viously in demand, improved in the course of yesterday to 29; and today, on the occasion of the arrival of the Stich:rake packet with a remittance of 11,500 dollars on account of the dividends, they rose to 31i, being a rise of 34 per cent. from the closing prices of last week. The political news brought by the packet not being considered favourable, the price has since given way about 1 per cent. Colombian Bonds had risen to 23 ; but unfavourable intelligence having been received from New Grenada, the Bonds have again declined, and close this afternoon heavily at last week's prices.
The rise in the English Funds has caused some inquiry for the European Continental Stocks, and the current varieties have been in demand at prices from to i per cent. in advance of our list; those prices have, however, since given way slightly. Very few transactions have occurred either in Spanish or Portuguese Bonds ; both of which are heavy, the former at , per cent. below our last prices. The hopes of the speculators are now fixed upon the success of M. GONZALES, the newly-arrived Ambassador, in raising a loan; as if any permanent benefit could arise from increasing an already overwhelming debt by raising money at high interest to pay dividends ! The improvement of the Spanish finances must be accomplished, if at all, by the successful progress of the country ; and this result may be retarded, but cannot be advanced, by the quackery of loans and conversions of old into new forms of debt, which only benefit the capita.ists concerned in them, while they not unfrequently damage the security of the bond fide stockholder.
There has been very little business doing this morning, and prices generally are the same as yesterday-Consols for Money being 88* while there are sellers at 813i for Account. Exchequer Bills are the same, viz. 6s. to 8s. prem. while India Bonds are quoted at 20s. dis. The impulse which was yesterday given to the Mexican and South American Stock has died away, and business in these securities seems to have relapsed into its former state of inanition ; Mexican being 29* to 30*, and Colombian 21i to 24. The other Foreign Funds are at yesterday's quotations.
Savoatiar, Fong o'Cr.ocir.
A sale of 20,000L Consols for Tuesday, at 88i, by the broker who usually acts for the Scotch Banks, has flattened the market, and the closing prices are
lower than those of the morning; but the business transacted during the afternoon has been very trifling, the above having been the only bargain of im- portance. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active is rather firmer, the closing
price being 23* Mexican and Colombian also close at slightly advanced quotations. The others are without variation.
a per Cent. Consols 881 1 13elgiau 5 per Cents. 991 1001 Ditto for Accouut ... (sellers) 83,1 Columbian 6 per Cents all 21 a i er Cent. Reduced shut Danish it per Ceuta
77# at
3.l per Cent. Ditto shut Dutch 2+ per Cents 501 1 New at per Ceuts 961 7 Mexican 5 per Cents. Causal. 291 301 Bank Stuck shut
Portuguese Regency b per Cis.
301 1 Exchequer Bills 6 8 pm.
Ditto a per Ceuta
181 19 India Stock for Acconut shut Russian 5 per Cents 1101 Ill Brasilia:1 it per Ceuta
;Of If
Spanish (Active) 231 I