Tuesday, March 16.
Crabtree and Whittley, Halifax, machine-makers-real and Huxley, London, to- bacco-manufacturers-Hayes and Atkinson, Whitby. chemists-Townsend and Cook. Taunton. silk-mercers-W. and C. Meesou. Stafford, shoe-manufacturers-Driukwater and Moore, Rochdale, woolstaplers-eSmith and Cann, Hinckley, attendee-Watts and Augne, Seething Lane-Thwaites and Fall, Reading, linendrapers--W. and J. Powell, Lenham, Kent, farmers-Johuson and Vernon. Manchester. pawnbrokers-Reuardson and Co. Kingston-epee-Hull, ship-joiners-S. and R. Harrison, Tavistock Court, Covent Garden, box-makers-Boucher and Co. Moorgete Street, bankers ; as tar as regards Boucher-Douglas and Rogers, Newport, Monmouthshire, drapers-Sharp and Watson. Birmingham, innkeepers-Penfold and Collin, Billericay. atturuies-Jones and Worley, Mortlake, coal.merchauts-J. M. and C. Morgan, Farriugdou Street, wholesalestationers-Patton and Blakey, Sunderland. painters-J. G. and A. Bryant, Chepstow, carriers-O'Sullivan and Fitzpatrick. Cork, tailors-Fasana senior and Stafford, Bath, jewellers-T. and F. Wright, Northampton. carriers-Beck and Wilkin- son. Kitsgston-upon-Hull, calico-glazers-Roberts and Willoughby, Manchester, after. nies-J. aud E. Cooper, Loughborough, corn-factors-Roberts and Lloyd. Marchwiel, Denbighshire, millers-Addy and Cu. Leeds, cabinet-makers-Mlielvie and Penman, Redruth, drapers.
Loran, JOHN DAVID, Bath, musicseller, March 16.
Soler% WILLIAM, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, licensed-victualler, March 15.
BANXRUPTIL ALDER, Arenunsv, Brimpscombe. Gloucestershire. cloth-factor, to surrender March 26, April 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Sheerman and Evans, Gray 's lnu ; aud Mr. Paris, Stroud.
APPLEFORD, WILLIAM, and APPLEFORD. FREDERICK JOSHUA, Holborn Bars, drapers, March 25. April 27: solicitors, Messrs. Turner and Hensmau. Basing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Seidler, King's Arms Yard.
CARTER, JOHN, Shrewsbury, innkeeper, March 30, April 27 : solicitors. Messrs. Cuvelje and Co. Southampton Buildings, Chaucery Lane ; and Messrs. Kough and Saxton, Shrewsbury. COWLEY, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Walsall, brass-founder, March 30, April 27: solicitors, Mr. Dove, Carey Street ; and Mr. Barnett. Walsall. GREAVES. JAMES. Stoke-upon-Trent, ale-merellaut, March 30, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. price and Bolton, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Bishop, Shelton Hall. HASISIoND, PETER WALLIS, Droylsden, Lancashire. banker, March 27, April 27: soli- citors, Messrs. Juhnsou and Co. Temple; Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester ; and Mr. Wood, Euratom.
Ihrtworto. Joust, Portwood-within-Brinnington, Cheshire, yarn-manufacturer, March -31, April 2'7: solicitors, Mr. Coudell, Lincolu'a Inn Fields; and Mr. Chetham, Stock- port.
beers, Renner, Gateshead, builder, April 1, 27: solicitors, Mr. Plumptre, Temple; aria Mr. Crane, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. JACKSON. JAMES SQUIRE, and SINGLETON, JOHN, Leeds, carriers, March 26, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. Rubinson and Barlow, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. Middleton, Leeds.
Loup, JAMES II num, and GODBER, GEORGE, Cateatou Street, cotton-factors, March 30. April 24: solicitor, Mr. Rodgers, King Street, Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Ahab urclusLan e.
blamer, James, and CotutTEEN, HIdNay, Redbrook, Monmouthshire, dealers in malt,
April 12, 27: solicitors. Messrs. Wansey and Tagart, Ely Place ; and Mr. Hassell, Brisiteopli
S ss, JOHN, Canterbury. corn-chandler. March 30. April 27; solicitors. Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex Street, Strand ; and Messrs. Sankey and Sladdeu. Canterbury. SMITH, BENJAMIN, Cross Hills. Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturer, April I. 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Adtiugton and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Taylor and Westmoreland, Wakefield.
STATTE, ONE, Wood Street, Cheapside. lace-warehouseman, March 31, April 27; solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Bread Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugtou, Coleman Street Buildings. TAYLOR, NATHANIEL, Kingston-upon-Hull. linendraper, March 27. April 27 : solici- tors, Messrs. Lightfoot and Earnshaw, Hull; and Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chan- cery Lane.
trowELL, EDWARD, Wood Street, Cheapside, woollen-warehouseman. March 23, April 27: solicitor, Mr. Rutherford, Lombard Street; official assiguee. Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. DIVIDENDs,
April 7, Hattie, St. John Street. currier-April 6, Robins and Williams. London Wall, carriers-April 14, Long, Tavistock, curn.merchant-April 8. J. D. and E. Penn, Northampton, shoe-makers-April 13, Scudamore, Birmingham, chemist-April 14, R. and J. Beggeht, Liverpool, sugar-refiners-April 15. Bonner and Gibbons. Thome. furniture-brokers - April 12. elagnus, Ramsgate, linendraper - April 9, Meatier, Wotton.under-Edge, cloth-racier-April 13, Chambers, Leeds, oil-merchant -April 12. Wilde. Ross, tanner-April 23, Widgery, Bristol. leather-seller-April 26. Pickles, Mauchester, calico-dealer-April W. Armour, Mauchester, fancy-drill-
manufacturer. CERTIFICATES
To be granted, unless cause be alwwn to the contrary, on or before April 6. Reynolds, Edgeware Road, dealer in burses-Hamilton, Leadenhall Street, mer- chant-Chambers ;unbar. New Bond Street, banker-Rowlett, Liverpool, merchant- Smith and Summers, Tabernacle Walk. fancy--stationers- Foxwell, Painswick, Gloucestershire, clothier-Strickland and Mattock, New-gate Market, cheertemougens- Court, Oakhill, Somersetshire, dealer in cattle -Tookey,-Ashton.under-Line, mercer. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
COUBROUGH, -ANTHONY PARK, and WARDIWP, JAMES, Glasgow, calico-printers, March 22. April 12. DoeGALt„ JOHN. Inverness. grocer, March 22, April 15.
MONCUR, JOHN. Edinburgh, plumber. March 20, April 6. TAYLOR, THOMAS, Perth, ironmonger, March 28, April 13.
Friday, March 19.
J. aud G. Greom, Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire. wheelwrights-Harley and Perkins, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, dentists-W. and J. Blundell, Hartlebury, farmers- Holland and Lyre), Sheffield. surgeons-W. and M. Thorp, Hadley, maltsters-Clark and Co. Manchester, maltsters-Labron and Ives, Leeds, merchants-H. aud W. Muir, Manchester, tray ening drapers-G. and D. Hine, Bucklersbury, commission.agents- Norbury and Smith, Manchester, tobacco-manufacturers-Green and Kettle, Leicester, commission-agents-Windle and Hadfield, Uscars, Yorkshire, working-chemists- Lovatt and Co. Leek, Staffordshire. silk-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Lovatt - Holland and Hubert, Cannock, Staffordshire, surgeons-W. and H. Hopper, Gateshead, Durham, smiths-Rusby and Linuey. Glossop, Derbyshire. cotton. spinners -Spooner and Johnson. New Road, Whiter:hal:el, lioendrapers-R. and R. Parry, Golden Lane- Woods and Dawson, Adelaide Hotel, London Bridge-Croukshaw aud Ormered, Has- liugtou, Lancashire., ecollea-Imuutfacturers-Frauks and Cu. Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, wholesale tea-dealers-E. and 'f. Jones, Chester, linendrapers.
BEDINGFIELD, SUSANNAH. Suffolk, yanemanulacturer.
NEW, JOHN Ileany and FREDERICK. High Street, Aldgate, paperhangers.
BARBER, JoSEPH, WaINVOrth Road, pawnbroker, to surrender March 25, April 36: solicitors, Messrs. Kiss and Son, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. BEM., WILLIAM HENRY, Kingston-upon-Hun, seed-crusher, March 30, Apri130 : so- licitors, Messrs. Hicks and Morris, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Holden. Hull.
BLACKET. JAMES, Stokesley, Yorkshire, Sax-spinner. March 30, April 30: solicitors. Messrs. Bartrum, Bishupsgate Street Within ; and Messrs. Wilsonand Faber. Stockton.
BLARES', GEORGE FISHER, Ifollillirtil, draper, April 2, 30: solicitors. Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Whitehead and Robinson, Hudderafield.
BRYAN, SAMUEL, Cotton End, Northamptonshire, shoe-manufacturer. March 26, April 30: solicitors. Messrs. Blower and Vizard, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Britten. Northampton.
BuRRErr. JAMES, Noble Street. Goswell Street, victualler. April 1, 30: solicitor, Mr. Boniton. Northampton Square ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basiughall Street. COULTER, THOMAS, Doncaster. dealer, April 7, 30; solicitors, Messrs. Wigglesuawth, Gray's Inn ; Messrs. Smithson, York ; and Messrs. Mason and Colliusou. Doncaster.
CR:amp-rote PETER. Liverpool, ironmonger, March 31. April 30: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple; and Mr. Robinson, Liverpool. FIRTH, JOSEPH, Webber Street, Lambeth, victualler, April 2, 30: solicitor, Mr. Dinunock, Sise Lane; official assiguee. Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry.
FLETCHER, HENRY and HENRY,-Eastington, Gloucestershire. clothiers. March 26, April 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Mausionhouse Place; official as- signee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street.
ORCHARD, GEORGE limos. Bath, upholsterer. April 5.30: solicitors, Messrs. Cook aud Sanders, New Len; and Messrs. Ginard and Flask, Bristol.
RILEY, THOMAS GEORGE CARES', Bouverie Street, bill-broker. April I. 30: solicitor, Mr. Arden, Red Lion Square ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
SMITH, GEORGE, and Co. Cheltenham, tailors, March 30, April 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Messrs. Prideaux and Son, Bristol.
SQUIRES, JEREMIAH and GEORGE FREDERICK, Poplar, plumbers, March 26, April 30; solicitor, Mr. Burn, Great Carter Larne; official assignee, Mr. Pelmet. Basiughall St. TURNEY, NATHANIEL, Milbank Street, baker, March 26, April30: solicitors, Messrs. Templar and Co. Great Tower Street; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Basinghall St.
WHEELER, ANN ELIZA, Clifton, milliner, March 26, April 30: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford Row; and Mr. Hartley, Bristol.
WILLIAMS, DANIEL, Llauelly, shopkeeper, April 6, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Bigg and Goldfinch, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Bigg, Bristol.
April 10. Clack, Sekford Street, Clerkenwell, baker-April 10, Smyth, Marchmont Street, Brunswick Square, perfumer-April 13, Matters. Canterbury, mews-agent - April 17, Sill and Watson, Liverpool, merchants-April 12, Roberts. Liverpool, tim- ber-merchant-April 15, T. and A. Templeton, Congleton, silk-manufacturers-April 13, Wright, Walton, Norfolk, grocer-April 12, Pills junior, Mistley, Essex, merchant -April 20, Dean and Co. Worcester, iron-masters-April 20, Nott and Co. Bristol, iron-merchants-April 16, Reed, Sunderland, ship-builder-April 24, Ma Teer, Man- chester, merchant-April 16, Carr, Low Southwick, Durham. ship-builder-April 5, Stone, Gloucester, linendraper-April 21, Heaton, Bolton-le-Moors, cottou-spiuner- April 13, Rowlett, Liverpool, merchant-April 13, Hopkinson. Liverpool, coach- builder- April 20, Walsh, Liverpool. banker-April 13, Blake, Devonport, draper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 9. Bidgcnid, Bristol, woollendraper-Roberts. New North Street, Red Liou Square, lodging-house-keeper-Davis, SIM:tall, Shropshire, innkeeper-Houuslow. Birming- ham, baker-Mayer and Co. Burslem, earthenware-manufacturers-Benson, Edgbas too, Warwickshire, solicitor -Kipping, Toubridge, corn-dealer.
HALLEY, WILLIAM, and Co. Dundee, merchants, March 27, April 29.
HANNAY, WILLIAM, Aunau, innkeeper, March 24, ApI it 16.