The Pope has created six more Cardinals. Two of them,
Mgri. Giannelli and Bartolini, are Italians of no eminence ex- cept as officials of the ecclesiastical departments in Rome, but the other four are men of considerable mark in theworld. Dr. Manning, the Archbishop of Westminster, we all know ; Mgr. M'Closkey is an American of Irish descent, who has been Archbishop of New York since Archbishop Hughes's death ; Mgr. Ledochowski is the Archbishop of Posen, whom the Prussian Government recently arrested ; and Mgr. Desehanips is the Archbishop of Malines, a great preacher and a stout defender of the Dogma. The Pope also created five more Cardinals in pelt°, and ordered that they should be allowed to vote at the election of the next Pope. Their names will be found inscribed in letters appended to his will. As such Cardinals, to be of use, must be in Rome at the time of the Pope's decease, it is believed that they are all Italians, the Italian supremacy in the Conclave having been a little shaken by the recent creations. There are now twenty foreign cardinals, two of whom at least—Cardinals Manning and Rauscher, might have a chance of the Papal throne.