The Indian Budget was presented in Calcutta on March 14,
and has been telegraphed to London, and is further explained by papers presented to Parliament. It shows that during the year 1873-74 the expenditure exceeded the revenue by £5,364,000, and in 1874-75 by £4,588,000. During the next year, 1875-76, the revenue is expected to be £49,820,000 and the expenditure £53,614,000, showing a deficit of £3,794,000. The deficits of three years, therefore, amount to £13,746,000. That is a large sum, but the whole of it is made up by £5,800,000 expended on account of the famine, and some £9,000,000 on account of reproductive, or supposed to be repro- ductive, public works. A sum of £2,800,000 is to be raised in India by loan, and no new taxation is to be imposed.