From the Foam of the Sea. By Salvatore Farina. Translated
from the Italian by Marcellino. (Charing Cross Publishing Company.)-- A somewhat curious story of Italian life, turning on a situation which we certainly should not like to see any of our friends occupy. It is graphically and naturally told, in fairly good English.—Ne//y Arundel : a Tale of Home Life, by "C. S." (John F. Shaw), is a very different book. It has nothing but ordinary incident in it,—the sorrows, the sacrifices, and, at last, the consolations which came to the bereaved ; but all is told very well, with a pathos that is sometimes quite overpowering. This is a book of excellent purpose, well carried out. Of Robin, and Linnet, by the author of Honour Bright (W. W. Gardner), it would be difficult to speak too highly. A very simple little tale of three children by the sea. It is quite perfect in its way.— We Are Seven, by Caroline Birley, from the same pub- lishers, deserves nearly cqual praise. Both are charmingly illus- trated by T. Pytn.