20 MARCH 1953, Page 20

The Ahmadis

S,R,—Permit me to add a note on the two sects of the Ahmadis to which reference is made in your issue of March 13th. The Ahmadiyya movement took its rise in the village of Qadian, E. Punjab, and for this reason the original sect is often termed " Qadiani." The seceders have their headquarters in Lahore, and arrogate to themselves the title

" Ahmadi." They were denounced by the Qadianis as Kafir (infidel), but the orthodox school procured a fatwa (legal pronouncement) declaring members of both sects to be outside the pale of Islam. In consequence, use of the common mosque js denied them.

Sir Zafrullah Khan is unquestionably an able man, but it has always been something of a mystery that he should have been appointed Foreign Minister for Pakistan, seeing that he is a member of the Qadiani sect.—Yours faithfully, L. BEVAN JONES,

(formerly Principal, Henry Martyn School of Islamics, Lahore.) Telscombe Cliffs, Sussex.