20 MARCH 1953, Page 30


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened alter noon on Tuesday week, March 31st. addressed Crossword, and bearing NUMBER of the puzzle to 99 Gower Street. London, W.G.1.1


I. He had a great rider. (10.) 6. If the dowager named herself this might result. (4.) 10. The gigman was a Philistine to him. (7.)

II. Three times with an anagram in the middle. (7.)

12. " Sir. there is no settling the point of precedency between a - and a flea." (Johnson.) (5.) 13. How the schoolboy might categorise one sort of decimal. (9.) 14. Ease in Stevenson. (5.) 16. This collection of aspirants is through the collar. (9.) 18. Much- in a home, as the song says. (6. 3.) 19. " For anything J know, Falstaff shall .die of a -." (Shakespeare.) (5.) 21. Let Stella try a new make-up. (9.) 24. What one does with a feather duster? (5.1 25. All go both ways in Russian aircraft. (7.) 26. He didn't know why he was so sad. (7.) Satanic cut. (4.) 28. The last places in which to see the movies. (10.)


1. A shield that fastens on. (7.) 2. Port, uncle, makes one stout. (9.) 3. He is at the receiving end. (5.) 4. Hail to National Service. (5.). The lid of the snuff-box must be. (2, 2, 5.) The old lady doesiTt blow it. (5.) "They •appeal from - to God." (Byron.) (7.) Step up to pins. (8.) Ghostly. (8.) Illumination anathema to Lady Mac- beth. (9.) Her Teuton disguise. (9.)

As the snake said to its victims. (7.) Half a score of noblemen. (7.) " Lord - thought it rather rotten that Shakespeare should be quite for- gotten." (Chesterton.) (5.)

These clothes were not only for these men. (5.) Simple character. (5.) 5.
