It was, of course, very wrong of a gentleman of
Hungarian origin to go to the Tate Gallery and smash the model of some- thing claiming to be sculpture (it is something new for a contrap- tion of wires to be styled that) and entitled " The Unknown Political Prisoner," just as it was very wrong for someone else to murder both his parents a few weeks ago. But I can under- stand his feeling. By sculpture we used to understand the work of Grinling Gibbons and Rodiii and Thorwaldsen and Thornycroft, to say nothing of Phidias and his contemporaries. As to what passes for that now, and gets awarded a prize of £4,500 by a jury of persons who must see life with quite other (and not necessarily better) eyes than common men's, let someone at least invent a new name for it, to help people to see what they want to see and avoid what they want to avoid.