ACROSS 1 With one's tongue in one's check such depression can't be main- tained (6) 4 The old emperor sounds some- thing of a pianist (8) 10 Firmly attached to make a catch in the lighthouse (7) 11 The abbot's pad (7) 12 One gets upset about a kiss (4) 13 How gorgeous 3 might appear (10) 16 Sir Galahad's personal testimony? On the contrary! (6) 17 'And love's the noblest - of • the mind' (Dryden) (7) 20 They produce ease among ab- stainers, naturally (7)
21 Livens in a new way. (6)
24 Delight anew with a second appearance (2-8) 25 Let well alone in print (4)
27 In short, December's round an- other month (7)
29 Evidently the mad dog had an exclusive palate! (7) 30 Valuable example of literary in- sularity (8) 31 A lively sort of wood? (6) DOWN 1 'On a bed of - sky' (Tennyson) (8) 2 The task of the music student should produce it (II) 3 Burning associiition like 13 (4) 5 Macheath could have been happy with one of them (8) • •
6 A main's broken round the brothers though in order (10) 7 It's always in the vicinity here in France (3)
8 Things are confused in the dark (6) 9 Hardly the place in which to keep sparkling wine (5) 14 Against a suggestion of life half a minute after (4-7) 15 18 19 22 23 26 28
Come-down for the Stuff engaged in sailing (5, 5)
A gem of an inventor? Just the reverse (8) A noble metal, blondish at times (8) Gilpin was a citizen of this (6) These blacklegs, however, are not identifiable by their stockings (5) A welcome change from a • hay- stack (4) Taken by two kinds of players (3) Solution on April 3
A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize o. a hook token for one guinea will be awarded to the menders of the first two correct solutions opened OD Miucli 31. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,036, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.
Chanthers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.