Books Wanted
EULOGY OF JUDGES by Calamandrei. D. W. Dare, 10 Charlotte Rd, London SW13 9QJ. THE SPEECH CHOIR by Marjorie Gullan, 248 pages, published by Harper & Bros, New York about 1937. Dr Cyril Read, Honeycroft, 9 Sporle Rd, Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 7HL.
CHRISTIANITY AND MORALS by Prof. E. Westermarck (before 1940), 'The Birth of the Christian Faith' by James Maclennan published by Oliver and Boyd 1962, 'The Humanising of Knowledge' by Prof. Harvey Robinson. (USA) published early 1920s, 'Fabulous Voyage' by Fleming MacLeish and Martin Krieger published by Gollancz 1963. Write: `Roseheath', Broome, Bungay NR35.
STREET OF ADVENTURE by Philip Gibbs, any edition. Haddon, 9 Maunsel St, London S WI.
THE WORKERS' FRONT by Fenner Brockway (1937?) and books about the Spanish Civil War published in England in the 1930s. M Nelson, 1 Victoria Rd, Hyde Park, Leeds 6, West Yorks. HANDBOOK OF PHONETICS by Henry Sweet published 1877, also other early books on phonetics or speech and early pronouncing dic- tionaries. B. S. Collins, Dept of English, Univer- sity of Leiden, The Netherlands.
BRITISH CIVIL AIRCRAFT 1919-1959 by A. J. Jackson, 'The Brabazon Story' by Lord Brabazon, 'Slide Rule' by Nevil Shute, 'All Over the Place' by Compton Mackenzie, 'Singapore; The Battle That Shook the World' by James Leasor, 'Where Monsoons Meet' by Donald Moore and 'The Double Tenth Trial' by Colin Sleeman and S. C. Silkin. Write Box No 999BC. BELIEF IN GOD by Charles Gore. Mrs E. Munn, 100 Park St, London WI.
SKIING — books pre-1960 especially by Lunn. G. Dessain, 23a Buckland Crescent, London NW3. WIRELESS CONSTRUCTOR'S ENCYCLO- PAEDIA, published by the News Chronicle, cir- ca 1930. A. R. C. Savell, 29 Totterdoun St, Lon- don SW17 8TB.
CHRISTOPHER SYKES: 'Troubled Loyalty: A Biography of Adam Von Trott' (1968). M. Huber, 63 Atkins Road, London SW12. PHILIPPE JULLIAN: anything illustrated by him. G. A. Morris, 47 St George's Square, Lon- don SW1.
ANY BOOKS BY David Heselton, especially 'The Tyranny of Reflection.' C. Hartley, 21 Hartland Drive, South Ruislip, Middx. DUVEEN by Behrmann (A biography of Lord Duveen, the art dealer). Simon H. Barrow, 16 Chelsea Embankment, London SW3.
LIFE OF ABBE PAUL COUTURIER by GeOf- frey Curtis. Miss P. D. Ede, Barn Corner, Filkins, Lechlade, Glos GL7 3JG.
I HAVE GREAT DIFFICULTY obtaining books published in the U.K. as 1 am not allowed to transfer money out of Hungary. Please send details of available books, for which 1 can ex- change new classical records of any kind and books of good quality on art, cookery and scenery in English, to Dr Zoltan Simon, Ujpest I, P.O. Box 132, H-1325, Hungary.
MICHAEL INNES: 'The Gay Phoenix', published by Gollancz. W. L. Miron, Briar Croft, School Lane, Halam, Newark, Notts NG22 8AD.