The English Funds this week have exhibited great buoyancy : the improve- ment has been gradual, and up to last evening, when Consols reached 89+, has amounted to exactly 1 per cent. The principal operations have been based upon the continued advance in French Stocks; the improved tone of the foreign intelligence respecting the probable course of policy which Aus- tria and the German Powers will pursue ; the arrivals of gold and specie from Australia, New York, and the West Indies ; and the favourable pros- pects of the miners in Victoria and New South Wales. Several parties who had been operating for a fall in Consols have bought back ; and as the trans- fer-books close early next month, the public have been buying freely ; par- ticularly the class called dividend-hunters. A slight drawback has been ex- perienced this week, through an increased demand for money and an ad- vance of about 3s. in the Corn-market. The Bank of Prussia has reduced its rate of discount from 5 to 4 per cent. In Holland, the rate continues at 3 per cent; in Hamburg, money is abundant at 2 per cert. In Vienna' the Funds have declined, and the exchange has advanced to 13.22. The rate of exchange in Paris continues firm, but it is expected some of our Australian arrivals will be occasionally remitted. Gold must also be sent to India and China, as the exchanges are again adverse. The average amount of bullion in the Bank of England, in both departments, during the month ending 15th April, was 14,182,6181., a decrease of 1,421,0301. compared with the preceding month, and a decrease of 4,854,8261. compared with the same time last year. Exchequer Bonds have been about + premium. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has been addressed on the subject of regis- tering these Bonds ; and in reply, an intimation has been given that the act of last year would admit of an arrangement of such a nature, and that there is every disposition to extend such a convenience to the new issue. The French Funds within the last two days have improved about It per cent. The Three per Cent Rentes closed yesterday at 68f. 35c. The gold and specie arrivals this week have amounted to about 615,8001. Today, the telegraphic intelligence of the attack on Sebastopol by the French and English fleets caused 4 improvement in the Funds, and Consols were done at 891 this morning : they have since returned to yesterday's prices, and leave off 89+ for Money and Account. Bank and India Stocks are 1 higher this week. Exchequer Bills have improved Is.
taken place in Russian Stock ; which on 'Tuesday advanced to 96 8, but is now rather lower. An improvement has also occurred in the following-Da- nish Five per Cents, 3; Sardinian, and Swedish, 2; Belgian, Dutch Two- and-a-half and Four, Peruvian Four-and-a-half and Three, Portuguese Four, Russian Five, Spanish Three per Cents, and Buenos Ayres, I; Spanish De- cussed. Respecting the liquidation of over-due and current dividends, Ge- neral Santa Anna is urged to appropriate 3,000,000 dollars from the Mesilla forward. ferred, I ; Mexican, Granada Deferred, and Spanish Certificates, I. At a meeting of Mexica,n Bondholders, on Monday, the report of the Committee was adopted, and the appointment of a successor to Mr. Fakonnet was dis- Valley fund ; and the claims of Certificate-holders are also to be brought Foreign Securities have been well supported. Several purchases have
Railways have been very firm, and a steady improvement has taken place in connexion with the rise in Consols. Yesterday, London and North- Western left off at 96f ; Great Western, 734 ; Midland, 58+ 4. The ad- vance in some of the principal lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent-Great Northern, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. 10s. ; Caledonian, and South-Eastern, 11. 58.; Bristol and Exeter, East Lancashire, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Mid- land, 11.; Great Western, 15s.; Aberdeen, Chester and Holyhead, London and North-Western, London and South-Western, Midland, and North Bri- tish, 108.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 58. In Foreign Shares, Paris and Lyons have improved 21.; Northern of France, and Paris and Orleans, 11.; Sambre and Meuse, 5s. Today, the English lines are rather higher. Fo- reign Shares have not altered. SATIIRDAY, TWELVE o'Ccocx.
The general complexion of the news from the Black Sea, coupled with the bullion return by the Bank of England showing no greater decrease than 18,7131., caused the Funds to open f higher this morning : but this advance has not been maintained, and Consols are now 89 I for Money and Account Exchequer Bills 1 discount to 2 premium. In Foreign Stocks there is no- thing doing, and no change has occurred. Railways are quiet : the present bargains are these-Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 23f ; Great Mrestern, 734; London and Greenwich Preference, 22k; London and South-Western,.
78; Midland, 584; South-Eastern, 604. SATURDAY, TWO O'CLOCK.
The English Funds leave off f lower, some realizing upon the late advance having taken place. Consols are now 88+ 9 for both Money and Account Exchequer Bills 2 dis. 2 pm. In Foreign Stocks not the least change has oc- curred. Spanish Certificates have been done at 34.
Railways are firm, although slightly lower than they were in the morning :. these are the latest transactions-Aberdeen, 231 ; Caledonian, 554; East Lancashire, 604; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 234-; Great Northern,. 864; Ditto B Stock, 121; Great Western, 734; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 604; London and Blackwell, 81 ; London, Tilbury, and Southend, 8+; Lon- don and North-Western, 964; London and South-Western, 78; Midland, 584; North Staffordshire, 114; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 28k; South-Eastern, 604; South Wales, 844; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 3+; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 66; Ditto Extension, 114; York and North Midland, 47: London and Greenwich, 13; Caledonian, 94; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent, No. 2, a prem.; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 4 per Cent Preference, 891 ; East Indian, 21+; Paris and Lyons, 26+; Paris and Strasbourg, 30+ ex div. ; Rouen and Havre, 191; Western of France, 141 Mine-Agua Fria, 14. Joint Stock Banks- Australasian, 784; British North American, 63; Oriental Bank Corporation, 47. Miscellaneous-Australian Agricultural, 454; Crystal Palace, 7; North British Australasian, 14; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 57; Peel River Land and Mineral, 44; Scottish Australasian Investment, 24; South Austra- lian Land 37.
3 per Cent Consols 881 9 Danish 3 per Cents 74 7 Ditto for Account 884 9 Dutch 24 per Cents 58 60 3 per Cent Reduced 871 Ditto Ditto 4 per Cents 87 9 34 per Cents 881 1 Mexican 3 per Cents 244 1 Long Annuities 41 Peruvian 44 per Cents 61 3 Bank Stock 203 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 44 6 Exchequer Bills 2 dis. 2 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 37 9 India Stock 234 7 Russian 5 per Cents 94 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 77 82 Ditto 44 per Cents 80 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents 96 8 85 90 Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred
Chain 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 82 4 Danish 5 per Cents 98 100 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 8