Prince Albert has himself settled the question of "the statue,"
in a manner worthy of his discretion and good taste. Alderman Challis, in- deed, in communicating to the Prince's secretary the collection of a fund to commemorate the Exhibition of 1851, omitted any specific allusion to the statue, and asked the counsel of the Prince on the mode of commemor- ation. Prince Albert suggests the establishment of Travelling-Bache- lorships to study the four branches of science and art illustrated in the Exposition ; his Royal Highness intimating a desire to contribute to such an object.
The nomination for the seat in Hertfordshire vacant by the death of of Mr. Halsey took place yesterday, at Hertford. There are two candi- dates: Mr. Puller, Liberal, defeated at the last election ; and Mr. Abel Smith junior, Tory. The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Puller ; the poll is fixed for Monday.
The Bridgwater Times states that the Reverend George Anthony Deni- son has resigned the Archdeaconry of Taunton, to which he was appointed in 1851 by the late Bishop of Bath and Wells.