Tuesday, May 16.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEn.-Williams and Co. Guildford, ironmongers; as far as regards W. Williams-Newman and Co. Bristol, fruiterers-Waite and Higgins, Manchester. woollen-drapers-Ford and Bayne, Lincoln, gingerbecr-manufacturers- IL W. and W. Harding, Ludlow, grocers-Trenchard and Whitby, Yeovil, station- ers-Burt and Potts, York Street, Westminster, ironmongers ; as far as regards J. Burt-Pritchard and Co. Hay, Breconshire, mercers-Hughes and Co. Llangollen, flannel-manufacturers; as far as regards .J. Hughes sen.-J. and H. Smith, Todmor- den, Yorkshire, paper-hangers-R. and R. Fitton, Royton, Lancashire, cotton-spin- ners-Prior and Pound, Bideford, Devonshire, painters-Davison and Dougill, Hulme, joiners-Rogerson and Sons, Manchester, braid-manufacturers ; as far as re- gards J. Rngerson-Buckle and Watson, Rochdale, wine-merchants-W. and J. Corry, Preston, joiners-West and Parks, High Street. Shoreditch, linen-drapers- Law and Bell, Leicester, engineers-Taylor and Phillips, Rochdale, letter-press- printers-Johnstone and Co. Stratford, manufacturers of the products of tar; as far as regards R. Johnstone. BANERFPTCIES ANNeLLED.-Wires.rem STR•TFOUD TAME, East Greenwich, victu- aller-DANIEL FREDERICK FORD, Grosvenor Place, Commercial Road East, draper. BANxiturrs.-JAmits AlEacHANT, Foulmire, Cambridgeshire, grocer, to surrender May 26, June 30: solicitors, Sharp and Co. Bedford Row; Thin-good, Saffron Wal- den, Essex ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-CnAuLEs Emir MAT, Edgeware Road, jeweller, May 27, June 30: solicitor, Catlin, Ely Place, Holborn ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street - Joan BAKER, Edgeware Road, draper, May 29, June 27: solicitors, Mardon and Prichard, Newgate Street; • official assignee. Edwards, Sambrook Court -JoHN Sumter., Barnes, cow-keeper, May 29, June 27 : solicitors, King and Attwaters, Lyons Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Moor- gate Street-WILLIAM DALTON, Sutton St. Mary, Lincolnadre, brewer, May 26, June 15: solicitors, Capon and Ayliff, Holbeach; Powell, Birmingham; official as- signee, Harris, Nottingham - THOMAS MANarmo, Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, smith, May 25. June 22: solicitors, Bead and Venn, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirt- sell, Exeter-MACIIICE JARTIS, Leeds, wool-stapler, June 6, 27: solicitors, Bridger and Collins, King William Street ; Lee, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-En- 'WARD CODLTATE and THOMAS SWINDELLS, Manchester, brokers. May 31. June 21: solicitors, Hyson and Robinson, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester.
Dirnmorns.-June 8, Walker, Basinghall Street, woollen-cloth-manufacturer- June 7, Peverelle, Liverpool. hardware-dealer-June 7, Lynall, Birmingham, plum- ber-June 14, Bough, Kidderminster, carpet-manufacturer-June 21, Cox, New- castle-under-Lyme, brewer.
CEETIFICATES.-71) be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 13, Hulme, Putney, grocer-Jime 8, Robinson, Liverpool, cotton- broker-June 8, Turner, Crewkerne, Somersetshire, currier-June 8, Thynne, Tani- stock, dealer in musical instruments-June 12, Gummery, Kidderminster, druggist -June 16, Hill, Nottingham, lace-merchant-June 8, Meredith, Birmingham, draper. DECLARATIONS OF DIV1DENDS.-Benning, Fleet Street, law-bookseller ; third div. of 4Id. any Wednesday; 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Gibbons, Wood Street, Cheapside, straw-hat-warehouseman; second &v. of Is. 2d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Biggs, Bermondsey Street, gelatine-manufacturer; first div. of 3s. 11d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Roff, Woolwich, wharfinger ; second dir. of 5d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Kaye, Prestwich, Manchester, calico-manufacturer ; first div. of 5s. 7)d. May 30, June 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, M anchester- Rimmer, Southport, Lancashire. builder ; final div. of 5s. any Thursday ; Cazenove, Liverpool-Bamford, Pontefract ; final div. of Dd. any Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds - M•Gibbon and Galbreath, Hull, merchants; third and final div. of Id. any Tuesday; Carrick, Hull-Proctor, Lincoln, engineer ; first die. of Is. 2d. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Bull-Cox, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, plane-manufacturer; first dir. oflid. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Gralnun, Coleman Street. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Weir, Glasgow, grocer, May 25-Hamilton, Edinburgh, May 25-Dabble and Co. Glasgow, tea-merchants, May-25-Howden and Son, Edin- burgh, jewellers, May 25.
Friday, May 19. PARTNEasszies DISSOLVED.-Miller and Field, Bridge Road, Lambeth, booksellers -Sharp and Co. Keighley, Yorkshire, brick-makers-J. and T. Humphrey, Epsom, butchers-Hood and Son, Conant Place, Limehouse, plumbers-Newton, Brothers, Sheffield, white-smiths- Foil and Co. Haslingden, Lancashire, iron-founders- Coles and Co. Great Kingfon, Warwickshire, millers -Bothwell and Grundy. Bury, cotton-Spinners; as far as regards T. Woolner-Clegg and Co. Halifax, woollen- manufacturers -Bruce and Shipton, Catherine Street, newspaper-proprietors- Cooper and Co. Aldermanbury, warehousemen-Hill and Moore, Brenta ood, brewers -Winter and Thompson, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, soap-manufacturers
- Dale and Co. Cornhill, ship-brokers-Scott and Simpson, Great Tower Street, co- lonial-brokers-Lord and Thomas, Forest of Pendle, Lancashire, cotton-manufac- turers-Browne and Lumley, Brownlow Street, Holborn, booksellers- Hardman and Co. Faniworth, Lancashire, spindle-makers; as far as regards W. Preston- Roper and Co. Falcon Square, druggists-Heath and Co. Wanington, ironmongers - Holmes and Co. Manchester-engine-makers-G. and J. Dan kins, Ringwood, Hampshire, curriers-Addison and Bishop, Stafford, maltsters-Anderson and Mur- phy, Glasgow, sewed-muslin-manufacturers-Crosthwaite and Co. Camelon, Fal- kirk, iron-founders.
BA:imam:vs.-FRANCES FANNY NEverr and Jonx FINLAvsom, Hampstead Road, brass-founders, to surrender May 30, June 27; solicitors. Lewis, Ely Place; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Sir Even MACKENZIE, Bart, ROBERT CAMERON, and JAMES Houses BOYLE, St. Helen's Place, merchants, May 30, June 27: solicitors, Marten and Co. Commercial Sale Rooms; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-limy SEASON CHAmrioN, Austinfriars, ship-broker, May 30, June 29: solicitors, Hillyer and Fennick, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, John- son, Basinghall Street-Farmer:rex DIMSDALE, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street, dealer in iron, May 30, July 5: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assig- nee, Graham, Coleman Street-CHARLES SMITH, Air Street, Regent Street, hotel- keeper, May 27, June 30: solicitor, Hardy, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Cannan, Aldernianbury-HUGH ELDRED, Wituey, grocer, May 30, June 3: solicitor, Skynner, Coleman Street ; 'official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-JOHN WIL- SON, Barking, Essex, corn-dealer, June 6, July 3: solicitors, Wilkinson and CO. Nicholas Lane ; Surridge and Francis, Romford; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-LEwts BENJAMIN, Princes Street,. Leicester Square, jeweller, May 27, July 1: solicitor, Utton, Noble Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-CHARLEs 0oALBE, Plymouth, builder, June 12, July 10: solicitors, Ed- monds and Sons, Plymouth; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzell. Exeter- SAMUEL Bottum: and Jon a SWINDELLS, Greenfield Works, Holywell, spelter-manu- facturers, June 1, July 6 solicitor, Paterson, Liverpool ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-BENJAMIN REDFERN, Manchester, stone-mason, May 29, June 9; solici- tors, Rowley and Son, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. DIVIDEND8.-June 9, Brown and Coombs, Windsor, bankers -June 10, Maitland, Finchley, wine-merchant-June 10, Collins, Beccles, Suffolk, plumber-June 10, Hannam, Brighton, wine-merchant-May 29, Gummery, Kidderaninater, drug- gist-June 2, Core, Stamford, Lincolnshire, innkeeper-June 16, Crook, Preston, tailor-June 22, Kinder, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer-June 23. Steele, Man- chester, grocer-June 14, Fella, Hulme, Lancashire, builder-June 23, Cartwright, Manchester. toy-merchant-June 9, Oyston, Wakefield, linen-draper-June 16, Marshall, South Shields, ship-owner-June 13, Fenwick, Newcastle-upon-Tsne, iron-founder-June 16, Turnbull, Coxhoe, Durham, draper-June 16, Stractian, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brewer. CERTIFICATES.- lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on Me day of meeting.- June 13, Lyons, Minories, packing-case-manufacturer-Juue 10, Emery, Brighton, victualler-June 10, Livesey, St. Alban's Terrace, Vauxhall Bridge Road, smith-June 13, Young, North Shields, ship-builder-June 14. Clarke and Boulton, Manchester, check-manufacturers-June 15, Ellis, Ardwick, Manchester, joiner. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION-Reid, Denny, Stirlingshire, baker, May SO.