'At Vrintintts.
The Liberal electors of Cambridge have selected as their candidates for
the representation of that borough, Mr. Shafto Adair and Mr. H. Mowatt. Those gentlemen will be put in nomination when the writ ar- rives for the election of new Members, if indeed it ever make its appear- ance. The Conservatives speak of Mr. Samuel Warren, Q.C., and the Honourable W. F. Campbell, as their probable candidate.
The various regiments of Militia now on drill in the Eastern Counties have been reviewed and feted in various ways during the past week. The men have evinced considerable martial ardour, and many have ex- presstd their desire to enter the Line. The West Essex Regiment are, it is understood, to garrison the Tower of London.
Some days ago, Mr. Heathcoat, Member for Tiverton, gave a dinner to his tenants. Excited by wine and high prices, two farmers, nomad re- spectively Densem and Hewitt, proposed this toast—" The health of the Emperor of Russia, and may the war last for seven years." The toast, it is recorded, was received with indignation; and Densem, the proposer, has been taunted ever since in all quarters.
A "mysterious stranger" entered the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Nor- wich, a few days ago, and requested permission to view the building. The sexton immediately admitted him ; and he proceeded to the altar, in front of which be knelt down for same time, sobbing arid groaning' violently the while. Then he got up, and giving the sexton a shilling and his gold watch and pencil-ease, disappeared. As no tidings have been since received respecting him fears are entertained that he has committed suicide.
The Government gun-,boat Jasper has been destroyed by fire, off Beachey Head. She was bound from Plymouth to the Baltic, having two tODS of gunpowder and other munitions of war on board. Early on Monday morn- ing, the Jasper was discovered to he op .0X8 tetween the boiler and the poW,
der-magazine. For two hours the crew attempted to extinguish the flames, but in vain ; and at length they were compelled to take to the boats, the commander being the last to leave the burning vessel. Half an hour after- wards, the Jasper was torn to pieces by the explosion of the gunpowder. Lieutenant Crawley and his thirty-two people were picked up by a Liver-
ool ship, and carried to near the Brighton shore ; where they landed in their coats, and afterwards proceeded to Portsmouth.
An accident on the Lancashire and Yorkshire line exposes the usual cha- racter of such transactions. On Tuesday night, a train which had not long left Liverpool dashed into a goods-train, which some of the servants were shunting across the line. Besides the serious injury to carriages, which the directors will have to deplore, some passengers were much hurt, and a leg of an engine-driver was broken. There was no signal nor signal-man on the spot. Gold has been discovered in Derbyshire ; and some people are expect- ing to make a great deal of money from a mine which has been established in the place where the first discovery was made. No very explicit or trustworthy accounts of these discoveries have appeared.