English and Scotch Historical Ballads. Edited with notes, introduc- tion,
and glossary, for the use of schools, by Arthur Milman, M.A. (Longmans.)--Here are twenty-five of the most famous of our historical ballads, from King Arthur down to Prince Charlie, set round with ex- planatory notes, and other garniture, especially adapted to render them useful to school boys and girls. Tho idea is excellent. Nothing is more likely to catch the ear, and ring in the memory of a child, than the fine stanzas in "Robin Hood " and " Chevy Chase." And once learned, they form centres round which the ordinary historical facts of books readily group themselves, and can be made by a skilful teacher most serviceable as illustrations of the language, the social condition, and the manners of the times. All needful information and suggestion to such teachers will be found in this little book. Mr. Milman has discharged the duties both of selecting and of annotating, with the judgment, and fulness, and conscientious accuracy which befit the honoured name he inherits.