20 MAY 1871, Page 3

A rough remark in our last issue has brought down

on our heads a storm of objurgations. We said that vaccination was decried by two or three scoundrels and a good many fools, where- upon we are asked whether we class Mr. Newman among the scoundrels or the late Dr. Bedford among the fools, what we mean oy publishing such falsehoods, why we are deluding the people, and all manner of amenities. The letters we could stand up against, but the deluge of tracts is too much, and so we give in, the more readily because the expression was inartistic. We beg, therefore, to declare that people who denounce vaccina- tion in order to sell nostrums are not scoundrels, but only persons who risk human lives for gain ; and that people who denounce vaccination from philanthropic motives are not fools, but only persons devoid of the faculty of weighing evidence.