The Egyptian crisis is not over, but it looks as
if Arabi Pasha were beaten. The Khedive remains firm, and, as usual, power is accreting to tha legal ruler who means to rule. A regiment is said to have declared for the Khedive, the Bedouin Sheiks, who can collect 5,000 followers in Cairo alone, are dis- tinctly in his favour, and so are the bulk of the civil population and the students of the sacred university. Arabi is so alarmed, that he has endeavoured to patch up a peace ; but the chance of his appealing to the soldiery is not yet over. He can hardly, however, now depend upon them, as they would have to encounter the Bedouins ; and the Khedive, by abolishing the conscription, could detach the men from their officers. The actual crisis will arrive when, the iron- dads having reached Alexandria, the Khedive, as commander- in-chief, orders Arabi into arrest for disobeying orders. The Minister of War must then either rebel or disappear, and will probably take the latter course. Even he must perceive that Europe has declared against him, and that, as against Europe, he would be powerless if every Egyptian were in his ranks.