No success whatever has attended the search for the assassins
of the Pheenix Park, and it is becoming clear either that they escaped by sea at the very first, or that they have numerous sympathizers among the population of Dublin. The police had a fancy that they went to New York in the Scythia,' but they certainly did not take the horse and car with them ; and though the Scythia' was strictly searched,. no suspicious characters were found. All manner of persons are still being arrested, and all manner of rumours spread, among others being one, vouched for by the Evening News of New York, that the assassins are in America. That rumour is probably spread to induce a relaxation of effort in Dublin, and the letters professing to give the Police information have probably a similar motive. The Freeman's Journal of Friday actually publishes a narrative of eight columns professing to come from one of the murderers, and points out evidence of its authenticity. The writer declares his motive political, and after describing the murder, says that Lord F. Cavendish's last words were, " I forgive you. Prosperity to poor Ireland. Peace to poor Ireland !" The words are in accord with the victim's character, but "poor Ireland" is an Irish, hot an English form of expression. The story is pro-. bably a romance intended to accredit the assassins with a strictly political motive.