The emigration of Jews from Russia has evidently reached considerable
proportions. Besides some 3,000 Jews who have gone to America, and some hundreds of families on their way to Palestine, a swarm of exiles, all exceedingly poor, have poured into Hungary, Galicia, and Roumania, to the dismay of the native inhabitants. The Diets of all three countries are discussing the invasion, and manifest strong antipathy to the Jews, chiefly on the old ground that they will absorb the wealth of the poorer classes among whom they settle. The Times' correspondent, who dates from St. Petersburg, estimates the total number of emigrants at 228,000 families ; but there is -evidently a mistake of a cypher, as a million of souls could not have been moved in the time, or with the means of the Jews. The movement, however, has been large enough to alarm the Minister of Finance, who finds that the absence of his best toll-collectors and sub-contractors affects the revenue, and has threatened to resign, unless the Jews are better protected from mob riots. A persistent rumour -attributes to Count Ignatieff a plan of compelling all Jews to emigrate, but no motive is apparent for such an outrage.