[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—The suggestion of Major E. P. Yeates for the private " home storage " of food supplies in war-time is excellent. The point may have been " overlooked " among other things, by the Government. But not I should imagine by most private individuals, or householders with some reasonable intelligence and forethought. But, as one of this category, with memories of the last War, I should like to be quite sure-as no doubt would others, that having made our wise and thoughtful preparations, possibly with a little inconvenience and expense, and " stored " our iron rations, will the Government kindly guarantee that in no sort of circumstances will they comman- deer our prudent heritage, as they did in the days gone by, as they said, pro bono publico? Instead and whilst there is still time the Government might themselves read again, and ask the public to do likewise, the parable of the wise and the foolish