20 MAY 1938, Page 3


In the course of last term arrangements were made with a large number of public and secondary schools, for both boys and girls, whereby copies of The Spectator were supplied at special rates for class use as basis for the study of current events and current problems. (Malvern, for example, is taking over a hundred copies a week for this purpose.) In response to a suggestion from a Headmaster, and with a view to increasing the usefulness of The Spectator in this field, we are arranging, so far as space permits, to answer questions that may be sent up from schools arising out of articles or letters in our columns. The questions should be sent as soon as possible aftzr the article in which they are based appears ; they should deal with questions of fact, not questions of opinion ; they should be brief themselves, and they should be such as lend themselves to a reasonably brief reply. They should be addressed to The Editor of The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. t, and the envelope should be marked Question in the left-hand corner.