20 MAY 1938, Page 3

The new Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, Mr.

Lennox-Boyd, blotted his copy-book a few weeks ago when he ventured in a public speech to anticipate the Prime Minister's decision regarding assurances to Czecho- slovakia. But he thoroughly rehabilitated himself on Tuesday when he moved the Vote for his department. In particular he pleased the House with a generous tribute to Mr. Lawson who filled the same office in the last Labour Government. Mr. Graham White, who is one of the most knowledgeable members in the whole House on matters affecting the unem- ployed, raised the question of the payment of benefit for public holidays. He gave the example of two members of the Shipwrights' Union employed by the same firm until the eve of Good Friday. One returned to the firm on the following Tuesday, the other found a job elsewhere. The former was ineligible for benefit in respect of the intervening days as he was held never to have been discharged ; the latter was deemed to have been unemployed and was paid accordingly. In reply Mr. Ernest Brown was able to announce that the problem had already been referred to the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee for its consideration and advice. Everyone was glad to hear this, for the Committee has shown a striking capacity to make up its mind and to do so with reasonable promptitude. * * * *