Election Choruses
SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 272 Report by Hilbrian Competitors were asked to submit the chorus (not more than twelve lines) of a suitable Election Song for any of the three major political parties.
HAVE we grown more cynical about Parlia- mentary elections? The results of this com- petition suggest it. Not for this generation the rousing chorus of 'God made the land for the people,' or the naive enthusiasm of 'Stanley Boy.' The, promoters of public- opinion polls may make what they like of it, but the fact remains that, out of a good entry, more than 80 per cent. of the com- petitors showed a tongue very evidently in cheek. (In more detail, 46 per cent. of the entries leaned towards the Conservatives, 28 per cent, favoured Labour and 26 per cent. were Liberal songs.)
But it is difficult to imagine an earnest gathering of Liberals following Katy's lead with:
For though Gwilym chose the Right-ward path to glory, And though Megan has deserted Clem for Clem, We, betwixt the giants Socialist and Tory, Tread the middle course with fortitude and phlegm.
Or a Tory meeting bursting into song, as PM suggests, with: Then let's all go to the country, boys, In the springtime of the year, When everything smells like Eden And the air is so nuclear.
Merseyside's ending went with the right swing : So think of Posterity! Vote for Prosperity! Eden's the man for youl
and Alberick ingeniously catered for all parties by adapting 'Rule Britannia' to suit any of them, by a mere change of name: Eden
With .1 Attlee in, we'll come Davies Much,much nearer,nearer the millennium.
I recommend that £2 each be awarded to R. Kennard Davis and A. Macdonald for choruses which the appropriate political parties might well introduce into the pro- ceedings if their meetings need enlivening. A. D. Bennett Jones deserves £1 for a charming jingle, the best of the many light- hearted entries. Those quoted, together with Frances Collingwood, Miss J. S. Home, David Hugh Rees and A. J. W. 1., are commended.
Hail to the Party of National Unity,
Building a prosperous, peaceful community! Houses for all, and for each opportunity!
Come to the poll and make sure they get in ! Hail to the Party that brings you prosperity, Ending the era of Labour austerity,
Working for Peace with good will anY. sincerity!
Come to the poll and we're certain to win! Hail to the Party that heals your divisions. Ended your rationing, gave you provisions! Now is the hour for the best of decisions!
Come to the poll! Let the voting begin
Liberal (Tune: 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic.') They say the Liberal Party is for ever dead and gone
But we'll show them that the darkest hour is just before the dawn
And that triumph yet awaits the men who scorn to cringe and fawn As Truth goes marching on.
For freedom and integrity will never own defeat, The Country yet from out the tares will pluck the stalks of wheat, And many a trusty Liberal will surely win a seat As Truth goes marching on.
Labour (To be sung in close harmony.)
Come ladies and gents, forget arguments, And away to the May Poll go!
Let everyone see on the screehs of TV How united we face the foe.
For Megan will dance with Clem, And Edith has got her Nye, To foot it, foot it, Michael Foot it, foot it to and fro.
Vote for a shorter and brighter conscription!
Vote for the chaps who de-bob your prescrir tion !
Vote for Clem Attlee and Herbert and Nye; Vote for the Pye that is not in the Skye I Vote for free sets of bakelite dentures!
Vote for the end of those wicked debentures!
Vote for the second re-scramble of steel!
Vote for the Tax on Amusements repeal!
Vote for bulk buying and freedom from Freedom !
Vote for deaf aids for the people who need
If you want to be equal, nay up on your