Hebrew University
From Sir Walter Adams and others Sir: Norman Bentwich, who died in April 1971, was a man with a wide range of interests. He had been, amongst other things, AttorneyGeneral in Palestine during the Mandate, Director of the League of Nations Commission on Refugees, and Chairman of the United Restitution Organisation. His services to Ethiopia will be remembered by his many friends there. But the particular interest which occupied his time and thought for over half a century was the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, of which he was a Governor and where he held the Chair of International Relations from 1932 until he retired in 1951. Since then he continued to devote a large part of his time to the progress of the University. He was particularly interested in adult education and in those aspects of the University's work which stimulated friendship and understanding between Jews and Arabs.
We who sign this letter, though of different nationalities and religions, are all proud to be counted among his friends. We a-e appealing for funds to enable the Hebrew University to set up a Norman Bentwich Memorial Fund, the purpose of which will be to expand facilities for adult education in common for Jews and Arabs at the University at all levels.
All contributions, which may be in the form of covenants, should be sent to the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 237 Baker Street, London NW1 6XH, and enclosed in a letter marked: "Contributions to Norman Bentwich Memorial Fund." Cheques should be crossed: "Norman Bentwich Memorial Account."
Walter Adams George Appleton Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid David Ben-Gurion Isaiah Berlin Boyle of Handsworth Cohen Denning Arthur L. Goodhart Edmund de Rothschild McNair Leonard Slotover Albert Neuberger