The news from Spain is not without interest. From Barcelona
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latest date is the 13th. It was tranquil ; but Van Haien was still ;co- quetting with the half-refractory inhabitants. He had been superseded' by General Seoane, the more energetic Captain-Geneial of Madrid ; and was to go to Valencia, to quell insubordination there. Espartero himself was expected to arrive in Barcelona on the 26th, lit the head of an imposing force.
At Madrid, Don Damaso Fulgosio, Colonel of the Princeza Regiment, was shot outside the Gate of Toledo, on the 11th. He is the fifth and last of the rebels of Madrid doomed to capital punishment. His brother, Don Jose, is sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in the 'Mariana Islands ; and a third brother, Don Basilio, lies in prison it Cadiz. Gene- ral Espeleta, who was at Vittoria during the late revolt, was arrested in Madrid on the 9th.
The provincial deputation of Cadiz had called on the authorities of Gibraltar to expel from that place Generals Ramon Narvaez and Baron del Solar, and a-number of other Christino refugees.
The Government, it was believed, had determined'on convoking the Cortes for the 20th December.