M. Jullien, we understand, is to open Drury Lane Theatre
as an English °penthouse in the beginning of the next month. A vernacular version of Lucia di Lammermoor is already in rehearsal. The heroine is to be per- sonated by Madame Dorus Gras, (who must have been assiduous lately, we presume, in picking up a little English,) and Edgar Ravenswood by Mr. Reeve, a new and yet untried tenor, who is said to have had considerable success in Italy. The next novelty is to be an opera which Balfe has just completed, called The Maid of Honour; and in which the three female parts are to be sustained by Miss Birch, Mrs. Weiss, and a sister of Miss Laura Addison the rising young actress of Sadler's Wells. Staudigl and Pischek are also engaged as members of Jullien's company; but we have not as yet heard anything about their appearance. The musical director of the thimiltig is to be Hector Berlioz; whose colossal orchestral compositions have been so much talked of, and whose real merit still remains a guscestio vexata among Continental critics. We shall probably have an early opportunity of judging for ourselves; as, it is said, Berlioz is about to get up a concert for the performance of some of his own pieces on a large scale.